Deal time

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Taehyung p.o.v

My head start to spin. He pushes the blade in further and leaves it in my skin. I let out a little whine. "You'll suffer like you should." I can't seem to form words and just let a broken sob escape my lips. "Please just kill me please." I whimper. He lets out a sly chuckle. "Stop leave him alone!!" Jin shouts. He sprints towards me and grabs me. Darkness surrounds me and I feel myself drop. "Tae stay with us TAE."

Jungkook's p.o.v

I sit on my desk and stare at the papers. 'Seriously jungkook get yourself together.'   I  hear the door open and glare. I need to make sure I dont give into anyone. You see I'm known by everyone but at the same time nobody knows me. I push my chair back into the shadows. The guy gets closer until I realise who it is. "What do you want?" I spit. "A favour" he mutters. "You don't say, you wouldn't be here if you didn't." I growl. He just sits there. Wow he gets dumber by the day. "Are you going to tell me or are you going to continue wasting my time?" I snap. "A boy owes me money and I want him dead." he slides a picture across the table.

I stare at the photo. "A waste of a pretty face." I mutter. "How much?" I say glancing up and glaring at him. "As much as you want." he says with a grin. He picks up a suitcase and slides it across the table. I put my hand on it and he pulls it back. 'What are you playing at.'  "That's not the only thing I want you need to do something else to him."

(Time skip you can't know what else :D)

He leaves my office. I slowly lean back on my chair holding the photo between my index finger and middle. I sigh and stare at those chocolaty brown eyes attracting me to his beauty. His pink plump lips so kissable yet so tempting to cut. His cute button nose makes me think about how a human can be this beautiful. I can't wait to put my blade into his sun kissed skin. I can't wait to drag the metal across his thin tanned arms. To destroy him slowly and pain him. I stared into his deep brown eyes. My eyes slowly trail down to his lips. This is going to be fun.

Taehyung p.o.v

I sit up and everything seems blurry. White walls surrounding me. "Where am I?" I mutter. I look at my arms and my eyes follow the wire and stop on a machine. 'Hospital I'm in a hospital.'  My eyes widen as the door slams against the wall. 'Poor wall.'  Than a small jamless guy walks in. "Kim taehyung you scared me." he says as he pulls me into a hug. "Jimin......can't ....breathe." I mutter. I feel something wet on my hoodie and I pull jimin up. "Chim" I soften. "Y-you scared m-me I thought you were going to die." he mutters and tightens his grip on my hoodie. "I'm fine its okay." I then feel a pain in my head. "Ow why did you hit me?"

He then smirks and walks out. 'Park Jimin your dead when I find you.' 

A tall guy with raven black hair and glasses walks in. The round rim fitting his eyes perfectly. He walks up to me. "Kim taehyung?" he says. I nod, why am I so awkward? "Kim Seokjin wants to be let in, he's ummmmm with Kim Namjoon who's broken a chair, can I?" he asks. Panic rushes over me, they'll ask me questions and what am I suppose to say? Taehyung you idiot. "Not today maybe tomorrow?" It came out as a question rather than a statement. The guy stared at me for a little longer. Awkward silence filled the room as I waited for this guy to leave.

He then get up and leaves.

Doctor guy p.o.v

"Sorry but he doesn't want to let you in." I say. "Doesn't want to let me in. I brought that boy in and saved him. I suggest you go back and tell him I'm coming whether he likes it or not. I am his mother I deserve to be there!" Jin shouts. "What?" Namjoon says. "What?" Jin glares at the doctor for ages and continues. "Jin lets go back." Namjoon says. "No." Namjoon then grabs him and walks out ignoring all his 'stops' and 'I swear you can make breakfast for yourself tomorrow.'

Taehyung p.o.v

Well I'm getting dismissed tomorrow. The door slams open again, to reveal jimin in pyjamas with a dummy in his mouth. "Sleepover?" "Your an idiot." I say shaking my head. "So yea than"

'Gotta love this midget.'

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