The kiss

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Taehyung's p.o.v

I decided to go look for Kookie but he wasn't near the café. Oh my god they could have taken him, they could have killed him and threw him away because of me. I'm going to lost the person I trust the most. Two strong arms grab my waist and I scream. A hand covers my mouth. I struggle and struggle. Kicking and letting out muffled screams. "Tae it's me." This voice calmed me. It took away all my problems and worries for a second. I turned around to see my bunny. I mean your bunny. I mean he's not owned by anyone he's his own bunny. Do you know what? I didn't say anything and you heard nothing.

"Kookie." I mutter. At that moment I wanted his arms to squeeze around me and keep me warm. Protect me. Love me and save me. Our bodies close and I want to hear his heart beat. "Are you okay?" I ask. "Fine go home." he says looking at the ground. "I want to stay with you." I say with my boxy grin, he never says no to it. "Well maybe I don't want you near me." I stare at him and slowly walk away. My eyes are stinging from holding my tears. "Okay." I mutter.

Jungkook's p.o.v

Follow the plan jungkook follow it and everything will be okay.

I run to Tae's house.

Deep breathe and remember the plan.

Taehyung's p.o.v

The door lock clicks. Who's that only kook- I mean jungkook has the key. I look up and see him with that stupid smile and that stupid look that make me fall even harder. "Tae I'm sorry about what I said." He keeps getting closer and closer. Our eyes lock and my heart beats doubles. Is he going to? He inches closer and closer. Until there's hardly any space left. We keep staring and I feel frozen. I close me eyes waiting but nothing. I open my eyes and see him with a smirk. "Did you really think I would kiss you?" he spits. "W-what I-i thought we were something." I mutter. Tears start to form and drop. 'He played me.'

He pulls out a knife and my eyes widen. "I was payed to kill you." he says with a smirk. I meant that little. "Kookie." I mutter. He points the knife at me and tears drop faster.

'That's how I came to an end how I died.'

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