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Red marks everywhere
Everywhere you may see
Shes crying, in pain
And then there's me

I just stand there and watch
I don't take a step forward
I'm scared for her life
But I am a coward

She wails and calls for help
But I feel like I'm helpless
She just wants to free herself
But I can't free her from this mess

For I am scared to fall
A dark pit she resides in
People call her mad, insane
Goosebumps arise on my skin

She will be in pain forever
People would call her crazy
I've failed her again and again
Cus I have always let her be

But to that place I daily go
I just watch and do nothing
The reason I wouldn't know
Why can't I do something?

She's no one to me
I'm no one to her
This why can't I see?
Why do I care?

Maybe cus she is human
There is humanity left in her
Even if I can't find a reason
I would always be there for her

But I am a heartless person
I let this be done to her
I wish I was a lot better
I wish she wouldn't suffer

flawed feelingsWhere stories live. Discover now