Chapter 2: I Love Play Rehearsal

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I stood outside the room, where play rehearsal was presumably supposed to take place, with Travis by my side- for moral support. I hesitated, my hand hovering over the handle. I paused, before retracting my hand, with a sigh.

"I guess evolution's not for everyone," I murmured to Travis, stuffing my hands into my jacket pocket.

"You don't have to do this," Travis patted my shoulder, with a smug look on his face. "Of course, I'll mock you forever, if you don't."

I shrugged Travis' hand off of my shoulder, hopping in place to gain momentum or some shit. I don't know. I think I've seen some sports-players do this, to pump themselves up, or something. Maybe? "C-C-C-C'mon, C-C-C-C'mon, go, go! C-C-C-C'mon, C-C-C-C'mon, go--"

I swung open the door to the room, Travis giving me a small thumbs up. I strutted inside, with a sense of false confidence, that hopefully was not easy to see through. I looked around, meeting eyes with--... Vylad.

Alright, you can do this! Just, be more chill, Dante! Confidence is the key. And, try not to shake too much.

"Yo!" I smiled big, balling my fists out of nervousness, as I strolled over to Vylad.

"Yo," Vylad replied, not looking up from the papers he was reading over.

"Is this where you meet for the play?" I asked out of nervousness, looking around.

"Nope. This is where you meet for the swim team," Vylad flipped through papers, and I let out a disappointed sigh. I begam to turn around, when Vylad glanced up, squinting at me. "I'm joking."


"I'm Dante! I mean…" I paused, standing there awkwardly. Vylad rose an eyebrow at me, as I bit my lip, and froze.

"Are you okay?"

"Hnnh?" I mumbled under my breath, shifting on my feet.

"You seem nervous."

"No, I always--" This is so dumb but, I've already said this much, "--sweat...this much."

"I get it. You're a virgin." He said that so casually! Is it really that easy to tell?! I mean--! Can you just look at someone's appearance, and actions, and just be able to tell that they're a virgin?! "First play rehearsal!"


"You think I'm nervous about play rehearsal!"

I mentally thanked him, for not realizing that one- I was actually a virgin, and two- that I was nervous because of being around him. This is the most I've ever been in conversation with Vylad! It's so nerve-raking.

"Why else would you be shaking?" Vylad paused, looking me over, with a concerned look. "A lot?"

"Ha ha ha ha ha--" I nervously laughed, clearing my throat as I felt sweat pour down my face. "Yeah, totally freaked."

"It's okay. I'm a little jealous actually. You never forget your first play rehearsal. Coming here is the highlight..." Vylad trailed off, daydreaming.

"Of your day?"

"Yeah right," he smiled brightly, holding his hands together, adorably. "Of my life!"

Vylad giggled, grabbing my wrist, as he led me towards the stage. Physical contact! Holy crap! Be chill, Dante. Be cool...


"I love play rehearsal, because it's the best! Because it is fun!" Vylad chirped, letting go of my wrist, as he spun around cutely. Oh my Irene... No wonder almost everyone loves him. "I love play rehearsal, and I get depressed as soon as it's done... But not depressed as in, like, 'kill yourself!' depressed! No, I'm not into self harm! Dude, I swear, here, check my arm!" Vylad rolled up the sleeve of his jacket, revealing his arm to me. I bit my lip, nodding a little, as he returned back to his rant. "See, I just used the word to emphasize a point, to show the passion that I've got. I am passionate a lot!"

Be More Chill, Dante! {Vylante BMC AU}Where stories live. Discover now