How Many Freckles Do You Have?

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WELL SHIT!  It's been over two months since I posted anything on here!  School's been insane, etc.  I have new Newt headcanons on my Tumblr (link in bio) if you wanna check those out too :)

Y/N/N: Your nickname

If one thing was for sure about the daily appearance of Newt Scamander, it was the dozens upon dozens of beautiful freckles that littered his skin–and you loved them. They were just one more thing that added to the uniqueness of him.

However, Newt didn't love his freckles half as much as you did. In fact, he didn't like the at all.

Newt saw them as ugly and distracting, wishing they could just get up and leave. He figured there was some sort of spell for that, but didn't want to risk it. Newt wasn't the type of person to constantly degrade his appearance in a mirror, but he knew the freckles were always there.

Both you and your fiancee Newt were sitting on the sofa, your legs swung over Newt's, going over the newest and most recent chapter of his book on the Mooncalves.

"Did you know that during a Mooncalf mating ritual, it leaves odd geometric patterns in wheat fields that confused muggles?" Newt said enthusiastically.

"You've only told me about seven times," you laughed. Newt blushed. "But I admire how passionate you are about your work, you know that." You were starting to get tired. "Love, can we stop here for tonight?"

Newt nodded and closed his journal. "Of course. Are you getting tired?"

You shook your head. "I still have a few more minutes. I just wanted some nice quiet time with you."

You got up from your comfy seat and went to the kitchen to make two cups of tea. When you came back, Newt hadn't budged. All he had done was set his book on the coffee table in front of him. You handed him one of the cups.

"Thank you, Y/N/N."

"Anytime," you replied as you sat back down next to him.

You each sat there in silent for a few moments, simply enjoying the feeling of the other one and a nice cup of tea. You turned your head to observe Newt's face. His beautiful whatever-freaking-color-they-are eyes, perfect soft hair, pink lips, and your absolute favorite: his freckles that adorned his features in the most perfect way.

"Love? What exactly are you staring at?" Newt asked, noticing that you were staring at him.

"How many freckles do you have?" you said nonchalantly.

Newt furrowed his eyebrows and chuckled. That was one of the most unexpected responses. "I'm not sure... too many, that's all I know."

"What do you mean 'too many'?" you frowned as you took a sip of your tea.

He shrugged. "I don't like them. They're ugly."

You nearly choked on your tea. "That's one of the most absurd things I've ever heard you say. Your freckles are adorable! They complement you perfectly." You kissed his cheek. "Adorable freckles on an adorable man. What's a better combination?"

Newt shyly smiled at your compliment. "Thank you, dear. I guess they do kind of fit me." Newt kissed your cheek.

You stroked his cheek, admiring his cute lil freckles. "Can I count them?"

Newt tilted his head and chuckled. "You can sure try."

"Can I connect them with ink and see if it makes a shape?"

"Now you're stretching it."

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