You Seem Familiar

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Hufflepuff!Reader but one of my best

You were in New York on business regarding something the Ministry needed to talk to MACUSA about in private. But the meeting wasn't until Sunday, and it was Thursday, so you had some time to spare. You were exploring the magnificent city when you came across MaryLou Barebone and her rally. You stood at the back, not wanting to be noticed.

She's insane, you thought.

Just then, MaryLou called out someone in the crowd. You stood on your tiptoes to get a better look.

"I'm more of a chaser, really."

You recognized that voice.

Newt Scamander! I had Care of Magical Creatures with him in fifth year. He was the best in the class, only... he didn't really have any friends. I always admired him, though. Especially in the Hufflepuff common room where he would swarm himself with books on magical creatures and beasts.

MaryLou asked Newt another question, but he abruptly stopped her. "Excuse me," he said sounding alarmed, and rushed into the bank.

Being curious, you followed him in. You saw Newt frantically looking around; under tables and chairs, up on the ceiling, basically everywhere. You heard the clatter of coins. Of course, the muggles didn't think much of it. It was a bank, after all. But you knew something was odd.

Then it hit you. A Niffler! Nifflers always were Newt's favorite creature. He even wrote a five-page essay on them once; not for a grade, just because he wanted to!
Suddenly, you felt your bracelet get snatched off. You had fast reflexes, so you spun around and whipped out your wand. "Accio, Niffler!" you said, quietly enough to not cause a scene, but still loud enough for the spell to work. The furry little troublemaker flew into your hands, and you grabbed your bracelet back. It tried to wiggle its way out of your hands but you kept a firm grip on it. You swiftly walked over to where Newt was still looking for it.

"Mr. Scamander, I believe this is your Niffler," you said, holding the Niffler out to him.

Newt's eyes widened in surprise when he realized you were a wizard too. "Good heavens! Thank you so much Miss...,"

"L/N. But you can call me Y/N," you replied as Newt took the Niffler from you and crouched down to put it back in his case.

He stood back up. "Y/N L/N...," he said, clearly thinking of something. "That name sounds familiar. You were a Hufflepuff too, right? In my year?"

You nodded and smiled. "Yes, that's me. Now I think we ought to get out of here before we start to look suspicious.

"Allow me," Newt said before grabbing your hand and disapparating you two onto the side of the street.

"Well, I suppose I should get going now. Nice to see you again, Newt," you said and turned to start walking, but Newt stopped you by placing a hand on your shoulder.

"Wait, he began, and you turned back around to face him. "You caught my Niffler for me... the least I could do is buy you a cup of coffee.

You smiled. "Coffee it is," you responded, linking arms with him and disapparated to a small, nice coffee shop on the corner.

After you both ordered your coffee, you sat at a small table outside.

"So, Newt, what's happened to you since school?" you asked, taking a sip of your steaming coffee.

"Oh... uh... nothing all that exciting. Saved a few creatures and beasts here and there that now live in my case," he answered, patting the side of his brown raggedy case. "Oh, and I'm writing a book on them. About why we should be protecting these creatures and not killing them."

"Yes! I've heard around the Ministry someone in the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures was writing a book. You should be very proud of yourself, Newt."

He blushed a little. "Thank you, Y/N. What's been going on in your life? Any... relationships?"

You raised your eyebrows. "No. Never really had the time, sadly. Asides from my failed relationships," you joked, making Newt grin. "I don't do anything as exciting as you. "I do my job at the Ministry, earn my pay and then I go home. Pretty simple and boring, really."

"And what exactly are you doing in America?"

"The Minister personally asked me to attend a private meeting with MACUSA. Of course, I can't say anything about it since it's private," you replied.

"Well that doesn't seem boring at all. Out of the hundreds of wizards the Minister could have chosen, he chose you. You must be a very special wizard, Y/N," Newt said sweetly.

You blushed. "Please. I'm just your average Hufflepuff."

"No, you're not. You're special, and I like that. Why did I never speak to you in school? It would have been a lot less lonely and a lot more enjoyable with you by my side," he said, turning red as soon as he realized what he had said.

"You're very kind, Newt. A true Hufflepuff."

"That I am," he paused. "How would you... how would you answer if I asked you out to dinner tomorrow night...?" he said shyly yet confidently.

A huge smile spread across your face. "I believe I would say I'd like that very much."

He smiled too. "Then a date it is."

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