R5 Taught Me . . .

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I love my family! And the R5 family of course

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I love my family! And the R5 family of course

Question of the day:
What's the craziest conversation you've overheard?

It was in one of my classes. Two guys were talking and couldn't spell a word. They asked a girl about it. I'll name one . . . Bob and the other Jack and the girl is Kate.  

"How do you spell lead? Like, l-e-a-d or l-e-e-d?" Bob asked Jack. 

"I think it's l-e-a-d but I'm not sure." Jack turned to Kate and said, "Is lead l-e-a-d or l-e-e-d?"


"That's what I thought."

We were doing a vocab word each and someone got something to do with like leadership or something and couldn't spell lead. Me and my friend looked at each other, trying not to laugh. 

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