Chapter Dos (2)

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Sitting here staring at my macaroni, I laughed, ignoring the curious glances from around the table. Sixth grade feels so far away now. What was that, like five? Six years ago? Dang.

I remember middle school, dull, drawn out, and tedious in all its glory. Obviously I miss the weekends I could spend doing useful stuff like surf Google for random facts that probably aren't true and finding pictures that will give me my laugh for the day.

Last year, in Algebra II, my teacher was joking about his basketball team, trying to convince a guy it's ok to cry.

"Every day, you need one good laugh and one good cry. If you do this every day, then you will have lived your life."

Cheesy, but poetic.

No time for that now. Unless you count laughing at the fact my teachers expect me to know this stuff and crying at the amount of homework left to do. That about sums up high school doesn't it?

As a Junior, I go through the motions. Watching the anxious Freshmen walking through the doors on the first day of school in awe with a skip in their step with shame knowing that was me, ducking my face from the Sophomores as they pretended to own the class, teasing a few of them to remain in their place on the classmen ranks, and avoiding the Seniors, being exposed to Senioritis through the few friends residing in their hierarchy.

Like any teenage girl, stereotypically speaking, I wondered about love. I thought I knew what it was when I dated a dude for almost eight months from eighth grade to mid-Freshmen year, but he left me for one of my best friends saying he only dated me because he didn't think he had a chance with her. There isn't actually any grudges there as I remain pretty good friends with both of them to this day.

I thought I had again found it in a Sophomore. The three year age gap made everything seem thrilling and rebellious, but no details need to be shared there. My first kiss, a few regrets, ended a bit messily, containing all the hatred and tears post break up.

After going to the bathroom, I analyzed the reflection in the mirror.

Height: 5'8

Age: 15

Eye Color: Poop Brown

Hair Color: Same as above

Hair Type: Flat with a protective helmet of frizz forever present

Body Type: Fast metabolism, but not necessarily skinny since I eat more than my obese uncle Ronald, which is saying a lot.

Boobs: Barely there

Butt: Read Above

Talents: Define Talents

Talent (n) - natural aptitude or skill


Hobbies: Running, Band, Reading, Writing, Wishing on Stars, and Dreaming

How would you describe yourself using three words?



-Disney Addict (yeah, yeah two words, it must be said though)

Best quality: My faith



-Cheap circus Clowns

-Disappointing People

-Being alone


Single: Duh

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