Chapter Tres (3)

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"You're gonna fall!"

Cas jutted her hip out, her newly pedicured hand placed upon her leggings. Her cold stare followed my every move as I began to stand up.

"I have become immune to your evil powers possessed in your death stare!"

I stuck my tongue as she threw her hands in the air in surrender. "Fine! Die! See if I care! Just leave me all by my lonesome down here on planet Earth!"

"I am perfectly fine." Through a misplaced surge of confidence, I pulled my arms from their suspended state on either side of my body to imitate her pose of disappointed irritation.

It all happened in slow motion. The moment my right hand left it's airplane like position heading for my hip, everything began to sway.


I looked around like a deer caught in headlights as pain shot through my ankle. My attempts to regain balance by fancy footwork got me nowhere but my right heel pinning my left foot to the yellow bricks while the rest of my body turned in the opposite direction.

Not so majestically, I flailed my arms at either side. This would be a great time for my secret ability to fly that I've always wished for to kick in.

The ground continued to rush closer as I closed my eyes, bracing for the impact.

I landed with a grunt and the world rushed back at me. I chuckled slightly as I began to rise up. My simple mission was interrupted by the ground suddenly moving beneath me. My brain decide that was the moment to comprehend the groans of pain weren't my own.

I gasped as I saw the maroon chest I was laying against, my legs awkwardly draped across his blue jeans.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!"

My eyes remained wide as I analyzed his body, assessing the damage. His breathing wasn't too heavy, so the pain couldn't be too unmanageable. He was slowly moving each body part as if following me in my examination. Good, no broken bones.

My gaze traveled up his shirt to his face. No bitten lip, no bruises visible, no broken nose. My heart halted as I was met by the most gorgeous blue eyes I had ever come in contact with in my life.

"I love your eyes!"

He smirked amidst his pained expression. "If you wanted to see my eyes, you could've just asked."

I became slightly flushed at my outburst but I couldn't think straight as long as he maintained eye contact.

I stood up as he remained lounge on the ground. Well, lounged used loosely . I'm not exactly light as a feather.

Forgetting the situation, I took him in. Starting from his ankles, I noticed his calve muscles from the start, the slick long muscles of a runner. He had long legs, obviously disproportioned to his shorter torso. As he attempted to sit up, I noticed the ripple of muscle mildly present towards his shoulders. To set it all off, short blonde curls were situated at the crown of his forehead, the rest of his hair settled into sparatic waves throughout. The blonde ringlets of his shortened hair stood out against his skin, stained with the evidence of a deep summer tan.

A smile tugged at my lips as I noticed how adorable his colored cheeks were when he blushed. His cough arose a blush of my own as I realized I had just fully, and very obviously, checked him out, something I usually only do from afar.

"Sorry." I felt an apology was in order after collapsing on top of him, puncturing him with my bony elbow and behind.

The bell rung just as he opened his mouth to speak, cutting him off to a brief nod before he ran up the ramp to a group of what I assumed to be friends, and headed off down the hallway.

Blinking rapidly. I was feeling like I just woke up from a dream. My head shot towards Cas only to be met with her open mouthed shock.

"What just happened?"

"I don't know, but from now on, I don't know you."


A/N Oooh tis a guy!

A guy she fell on top of but still! It's harder for some of us to get that opposite gender communication thing happening.

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