Chapter Cuatro (4)

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The spark of returning to school faded quickly the second the tardy bell rang. Without even a moment hesitation, everyone reverted back to prior status from pre Winter break with a few adventures undergone.

My body seemed to be rejecting the eight hour sleep I had last night as I felt my eyelids drop with each droning word recited by Ms.Lyric to her disinterested audience. My head rolled across the palm of my hands as I moved my fingers to hold the bridge of my nose. My attempts to dull the throbbing exhaustion headache was to no avail. With a sigh I raise my hand.

"Yes Jalyn?" Her dazed stare prove that even our monotonous teacher would rather be anywhere but here, her mid was still in bed like the rest of us.

"Can I go to the nurse?"

"If you're going to puke then run. Today's not the day to clean up deformed holiday cookies off my carpet."

Blessing cringed at the graphic image and I stifled my laugh at her paled reaction.

"No puking today, just a killer headache."

"You kids need to grow a backbone. I swear you all have the pain tolerance of a girly five year old who can't stand the sight of blood."

Same school, same class, same students, same friends, same boredom, same Ms.Lyric. Half of the year done, half to go. I feel like it's going to take a lot to remember that.

As I waited for her to make her way to her desk to write me a pass, I turned to Blessing.

Popping her gun, she was slouched over some serious doodles, her red mane draping over half of her face thick and long. Every few seconds, she was brushing it back but just as fast it slid back to it's place of protection. Her pale skin was accented against her black sweatshirt. For the first time all year, she had come to school in something other than sweat pants, replacing them with tight black yoga pants with a purple band at the waist.

While distracted, I shot my hand to the corner of her spiral notebook to swivel it around towards me. Her head shot up in attention, her eyes shooting daggers my way.

Her eyes were definitely her best quality. The overall color would label them as blue, but hers shared such intensity, it shared that of what you would expect to see as you stare at the ocean floor of a shallow tropical beach ocean being struck by the radiant sun's rays. The contrast of dark and light hues enunciated the unique texture, outlined with a deep royal blue and reflecting a hint of aquamarine shadowed behind.

I couldn't hide the grin from spreading across my face as the name in the middle of the paper came into view.


"Aw isn't that your nickname for" I was cut off as she slapped her hand over my mouth.

"Did you just lick me?!?" I erupted in hysterical laughter as she quickly whipped out her hand sanitizer. Yes, my best friend was a germaphobe.

I flipped my hair over my shoulder, walking over to Ms.Lyric and resumed my mission for pain relief.


"Maybe I should just start sending the Tylenol to your class in advance."

I offered her a sheepish smile as she scribbled me yet another medical pass. I tend to require pain medicine for a quite a lot of different things. Twisted ankle, disjointed hip, thrown out back, toothache, sprained knee, pulled hamstring, shin splints, headaches. Even my headaches varied whether it be from dehydration, lack of sleep, anxiety, or just because life loves me.

"You may be matched for clumsiness though."

"Really?" That's hard to do especially considering this morning...

"Yeah! Apparently a girl fell on a guy while trying to walk on the wall lining the ramp. She barely missed breaking a rib. He was a bit bruised up his rib cage down his back. He got pretty banged up from the whiplash of his head onto the ground too. I have him laying down for the next couple periods because he came in here kinda swaying." Her laugh twinkled through the silence as she finished her humorous recount as I stood with a furious blush arising.

Right on cue, a slightly familiar tall, blonde haired boy with striking blue eyes walked out of the dark room. "I'm feeling better now. I can see straight again..." His words died off as he noticed my presence and he broke into a goofy grin. "Thanks for almost breaking my ribs."

His obvious amusement at my flaming face fueled the fire as my blush grew deeper. The nurse's eyes widened as her mouth formed a small 'o'. "Should've known." Her slight murmur accompanied by a slow disapproving shake of her head heightened the level of awkwardness surrounding me.

"Um...head..pain...medicine...class" My words made no sense to me nonetheless the people staring at me peculiarly. The nurse handed me two pills as I cautiously walked towards the water jug to wash it down.

Based on prior experience, I decided it was not the time to trip over anything. Extra care was necessary for me to hold what shred of dignity I still maintained.

Just as I held my head a bit higher after my mini revelation, a countertop jutting from the wall appeared in front of me in the place where I swear contained nothing but air only seconds before. A mumbled groan was accompanied by my hand holding my hip as I hobbled the rest of the way waiting for the sudden pain to diminish.

I took both in one gulp from the tiny plastic cup, praying the cool water would cool my blazing face.

"Is she always like this?"

I swiveled around just in time to catch the swift nod from the nurse to the grinning mystery guy I flattened this morning.

"I've got to say. You make quite an entrance." His smile remained as the bell rang, his face ringing of amusement at my obvious embarrassment. We both grabbed our passes and walked towards the door to return back to reality.

"Ladies first." Aw, a gentleman. Stop that. Guys see me as a potato. Think like the potato. Be the potato. I am the potato. He remained with his outstretched hand towards the door waiting for me to walk through.

I hope a vague sign of gratitude left my mouth as I rushed back to home base to collect my baggage, met by a lonesome Blessing texting in the hallway with more bags across her arms than there was actual person there.

"What took you so long?" Some murmured explanation left a confused Blessing in the dust as I wandered aimlessly towards my next class, still stuck halfway in the confusion.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2014 ⏰

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