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(HI WARNING this chapter contains self-harm )
Glitch's POV*
"You still there?" Shadow said as I looked up trying to ignore him as he gets up and goes to the rest "Aye Glitch!" Sorrow yelled to me

 "What!" I said getting annoyed 

"Ally is being a meany!" she replied

 "Oof," I said in my normal voice 

"huh?!" she said as Ally tacked her, 

"Big oof," I said high-fiving the guys. 

"Should we help," Zaya said as I grabbed my phone, 

"Ehh they'll be fine, I think," I said looking at them making sure they don't kill each other, then I look to phone to my 'human' I kinda miss her 'NO!' I yelled in my head 'I'm not weak ' see demons are supposed to hate there humans......I don't....... well I don't like mine either however I don't want to kill mine.

"Hey downer," Shadow said coming towards me 

"Hi bitch," I said getting the pic of Jess off my phone before he could see 

"You know it," he replies as he sits down next to me,

 "What you looking at?" he said with a smirk, 

"A waste of valuable oxygen," I answer looking at him,

 "Excuse me more like the only thing good in this damned world!" Shadow said as he burst out laughing while I just smirk with a light chuckle him looking at me with curiosity in his eyes 

"What, like what you see," he asked in a stupid voice 

"You wish!" I say happily as my head starts to pound. I wince trying to hold back screaming so no one would notice.

"I'll be in my room," I said getting up quickly which was a mistake for more than one reason, one my head pounded even harder at the sudden movement, two it looked suspicious.

"You okay?" Shadow said putting his hand on my solder lightly,

"Yeah, I just need to go," I say running upstairs getting some attention from everyone. With shadow trying to reassure everyone he has the situation under control, I slip into my room and lock the door, I close my eyes tightly trying to stop whats ever happening.

"Glitch, open the door," Shadow said in a monotone voice. 

I didn't move

"Open the door," he repeated more demandingly.


"Ugh," He sighs teleporting in looking around, "Are you alright?" he asked finally spotting me on the floor in a ball.

"I-i'm fine," I whisper as my eye feel like there were being bolted shut,


"Leave me alone"


"Leave me alone," my voice rasing to almost a yell


He didn't say anything, all I heard was the door unlocking and shutting, the door may not have been loud to anyone else but it sounds like a thousand of them shut at once.

'I can't take this'

As that thought echos in my mind, I slowly feel the atmosphere get colder and dimer the pain in my head slowly decreasing.

"What," I say opening my eyes to a dark and dim hallway

"Huh?" As I get up I hear an indiscernible noise, some buzzing, ... "oh god,"

When I finally get up and try to look around I blink and suddenly am laying down.

"Patient #0957, under anesthesia, correct?" I hear more is being said but all of it sounds as if it's an undiscernable mess, as soon as I start to painfully stay awake trying my hardest to scream or yell, anything, I feel a horrendous wave go through my body,

I wake up in my room that same pain,

I can't fucking stand it

 I know I shouldn't but hurts less than this I think, reaching for a hidden razor blade in my desk and lifting it up to my skin to the old scars, "Just make it stop," I whisper squeezing my eyes putting the cold blade to my skin.

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