Chapter 6

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Alex's POV

Zack didn't speak to me the other night since he went to work out, not once. But now due to all the staff being on strike, college was shut. This meant that Zack would probably spend the week with his girlfriend and I'd be on my own. I just didn't get how or why I shouldn't like Jack, the name really did suit him. He was a mystery and I liked it, the not knowing-ness of it all and the fact he barely knew me too meant I could be anyone I wanted to. He didn't know my past so there was no way he'd be able to judge me on that, I mean if one day we actually did get together- shut up because he's right across the road. I'd left the house without Zack again, I couldn't stand being around him and his 'girlfriend' it was as if I was invisible. It started out like in the movies really, you know how they move in with their best friend and go to all these amazing parties and "live happily ever after"? Well my happily ever after was jamming in my room. Which was why today I'm going back home to pick up my guitars and I couldn't care less what Zee would say. I mean back at home I had all my guitars but both parents convinced me I wouldn't need them and honestly it was miles there and back but it wasn't like I had anything better to do.

"Alex, right?" The voice sounded like gravel being scraped against the pavement which only meant one thing, Jack. My brain couldn't even function a response so I just let my mouth fall open and I didn't even have any control over my facial expressions, "It's okay. I get that look a lot." Knitting my eyebrows together as a sign for him to continue to which he acknowledged and did, "The 'why on earth are you talking to me' look, I don't blame you-" "Just shut up, okay?" I chuckled before he softly punched my arm. One thing was running through my mind the whole time, why couldn't I like him? It's like Zack was always right but for once I really didn't want him to be because I actually felt like a teenager again.

Well for the first time seeing as there was a strict set of rules placed in my house as soon as I turned a teenager and I followed them, that's what rules were there for surely? Unless they were made to broken. Now that was a pretty fun idea that struck a smirk to form on my face."Why're you smirking?" I couldn't understand why he always looked confused, it could be his was the eyebrows. "Just thinking." I sighed before checking the time despite that we had revision for the first hour, I still had to be on time, always. I was never sure if it was an OCD thing but the whole 'better late than never' had never sat right with me. How did that even make sense? If you were later then there was no point in going at all so really it should be 'better never than late'. Clap clap Alex, that makes so much sense. "If you don't mind me asking, why're you out so damn early?" Well it would be start to atleast let him know what you do in your spare time. "Going back home to pick up my old guitars and pedals," I wasn't entirely sure what came over me when I continued my reply but it happened. "You could always come too? I mean I don't like travelling alone and there's pleanty of room in my car. Even wi-" "You're babbling, Lex." Lex. I snapped my head up and felt my haert pound faster against my rib cage, it was nice, like really nice. "You're not allowed to call me Alex ever again." I pointed a finger at him in a joking manner, ignoring my age and just going with the immature vibe. "Oh yeah? Or what?" Crossing his arms over his chest and raising an eyebrow I took it in the dirtiest way imaginable until I remembered, straight, he was straight. "You'll just have to wait and see." Was this flirting? I mean if it was I wouldn't have a problem with that but maybe he would so I stopped my tooth digging into my bottom lip when we approached my car door.

The drive there was long and tiring although Jack just sat and frequently changed the stations on the stereo as if he was unaware of how it worked. His eyes grew wide when we joined the long blockage of cars although that wasn't what he was freaking out about, he'd found the Blink and Green Day playlist. "Are you erm oka-" "Shit, piss, fuck, cunt, cocksucker, motherfucker!" Of course, family renioun, which was basically what this would be. I admit it hadn't been long of not being at home but I was always a momma's boy. But then I realised Jack would have to meet my parents and I wouldn't be able to explain what he is to me, without stuttering and flushing red. With the traffic moving quicker and the road approaching I couldn't turn around now.


Lalala next chapter gets a little exciting I promise you and maybe Jack gets creepier....I'm not even sure what I'm saying I'm really tired and I have school tomorrow so this is as good as it's gonna get I'm afraid until next week, peaceskies.

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