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Yoongi stared at him, unamused. "I don't know how many times I have to tell you this, but you aren't funny. Not even a little bit."

Jin just blinked. He couldn't remember what he'd even said. He'd been falling asleep so much these days that it was hard to keep them separate. "What?"

Yoongi gave him a disapproving look, huffing. "Are you going to make me say it?" He sighed, irritated. "Why did the can crusher quit his job? Because it was soda pressing," he said flatly. "And the other one was just as bad. 'Did you hear about the Italian chef with a terminal illness? He pastaway.' Really, Jin. They're awful."

Jin was already squeaking away, laughing hard.

Yoongi just rolled his eyes and muttered, "How is he the oldest?" before walking away to find somewhere quieter.

Jin remembered the sound of Yoongi's bright laughter and cut off suddenly.

Where did I hear that? When was that? Why is it so familiar?

He heard something else behind the laughter.

His voice.

And suddenly, Jin felt a manic desperation to hear Yoongi's laughter again, to reenact the scene, to rewind and then hit play. He wanted - no, he needed - it to be true again.

He ran off in the direction that he'd seen Yoongi take, almost flying into the wall as he spun around a corner to see Yoongi curled up in the window seat.

Yoongi looked over at him, still faintly annoyed. "What is it, Jin?"

"I can see that you're enjoying this wholeheartedly by your unbridled enthusiasm," Jin rushed breathlessly, not even pausing to emphasize the punch line or laugh like he normally would.

"What the hell?"

"Okay, I'll try to rein it in," Jin said, swallowing. His tongue felt thick and heavy even as he spoke faster and faster. "Just because you're saddled with worldwide handsome," he said, but as he said his last word, an unwelcome silence fell on the room.

Yoongi frowned. "Oooooooooookay?"

Jin hesitated, panting slightly. "Aren't you going to laugh?"

I need you to laugh.

"No? Wasn't planning on it. Wait, let me check...no." Yoongi looked back down at the book he had been reading. "Go bother Hobi if you want to make bad horse jokes."

Yoongi turned the page, and it was clear that he was done with Jin.

Jin just stood there, waiting for something. He knew what he was waiting for, but at the same time, he didn't want to acknowledge it because he knew it would never come.

The sound of Yoongi laughing, the sound of Yoongi's happiness in Jin's company.

It had been a dream after all.

Reality was cruel.

Jin slowly lowered himself down to the floor and laid on his back, staring at the ceiling, just another plane that bound him.

"Jin? Jin, what are you doing? You can't sleep th-"

Jin closed his eyes and

jin opened his eyes.

back with a new cover, thanks to Hoot-Hoot (the other writer on this account)

hope you all enjoy and spam me with comments

When I Close My Eyes •  Kim SeokjinWhere stories live. Discover now