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"Oh Simon don't stop" a familiar voice came from Simons room followed by grunts.
I ran to his room only finding the hallway growing longer and longer with each step I took.

I ran as fast as I could to the point were the room disappeared in the distance.
I turned around to see only darkness
"Babe it's just my manager"
A voice came from behind me, I looked to see Simon naked sitting with a faceless girl on his lap.

"You bitch" I slapped her knocking her off Simon, he grabbed my arm
"Let go!, you asshole" punching and kicking I could only scream "LET GO"

The girl had Become bloody and broken she contorted her way over to me I screamed and closed my eyes.

"(Y/N)?!" I opened my eyes to see a concerned Simon leaning over me.
I sat up and hugged him, this is really getting to me, I trust him?

We walked into the kitchen together he gave me his coffee
"Did you have a nightmare" he pouted sarcastically
I pushed him away "yeah, it was about how you bet me in soccer" I looked up at him and smirked "nightmares are crazy, they are always something that will never really happen"

I faked laughed as he read the messages on his phone.
"Who you ah.. talking to?" I tried to get a peep of his phone
"My manager"  he didn't look up at me.

I clenched my fist just thinking about that nightmare "hey, wanna do some boxing today?, I'm feeling like it's time for something new"

Simon looked up at me "sure, wanna go now? Jj knows a guy"

I nodded my head and went upstairs to get changed.

I nodded my head and went upstairs to get changed

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------ time skip.

We arrived at the boxing/ exercise 'arena' and I was excited to get some anger out.
As we were walking in josh and Simon were talking all I could think about is if them arguing was apart of the nightmare or not, maybe I fell asleep after they argued.

I took my chance to find out as we sat down and out our gear on Simon left for the bathroom so I took a seat next to josh.

"Hey josh" I smiled and began wrapping up my hands
"You ready?" He nudged me
"I'll do better than you pussy boy, I'll knock you out." I laughed and pushed him "uh anyway did you and Simon have some kind of argument this morning?, there was a lot of racket going on.

He froze and looked at me, "nah, maybe you were dreaming"
I looked down at my hands "oh yeah probably"
I nodded and turned away he started to stand but I really couldn't take it I grabbed his arm and pulled him back into the chair

"Josh please be truthful, is Simon cheating on me I really don't want to believe it but he has been talking to his 'manager' a lot lately it's like he is trying to keep a secret from me"
Josh stared at me blankly
"Oh you're right I'm just being jealous I'll stop"
I stood up and walked over to the group
"No" faintly I heard josh whisper

I smiled and gave him a thumbs up Simon walked out of the bathroom as put his arm around me.

The instructor began
"Jj and josh you two will be together"
"Simon you're with Ethan"
"Vikk you and Tobi can be together"
The instructor scanned the room more people "and (Y/N) you can be with me" he winked at Simon and pulled me to a bag.

"Okay so just start punching and when I say 'switch' go to the bag beside you, everyone has to run otherwise it's 30 push-ups for each of you, okay?... go"

I began punching not really thinking about much until I saw a group of girls staring at Simon, then I started to think about that god damn fucking 'manager'

I started happening at the bag looking them in the eye, the instructor yelled and I swapped bags to were Simon was the girls attention was switched to me.

I punched relentlessly at the bag just thinking about her then it all slipped out with every punched a word would come out of my moth

I stopped and realised what I had just done in turned away to see Simon staring at me
"Simo-" he left the room chucking his gloves on the floor the blonde girl spoke
"Aw little girly isn't good enough for him so he cheats, no surprise look at yourself"
I don't think anyone would regret anything more than this girl.

I walked up to her and began trash talking her, she stood up trying to intimidate me. She took a swing
"Nice try blondie" I smirked and punched her in the fake nose she has knocking her down "bitch"

I left the room looking for Simon.
I turned around the corner to find him sitting alone with his heads in his hands.


Ooooo dramatic af right now, don't worry I won't drag the 'drama' on for too long.

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