Chapter 1

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//before I start this story I just wanna say that the new leader is called Zaire jut before anyone gets confused.

Shadows POV//

"UGHH" a voice echoes down the narrow corridors of GUN HQ. "I quit!" A dark hedgehog bursts out. "Shadow! Wait! Your one of the best agents and MY teammate!" A white bat followed him down the corridors down into the main entrance. "I'm not working for Zaire and his idiotic rules!!" He forcefully pushes open the door while the white bat follows him. "Come on Shadow they aren't that bad" she says trying to sympathise with him. He takes a sudden stop and turns looking the bat in the eyes. "So not allowed to have a romantic interest and relationship with the same gender is fair? You now have to have government cameras in every room in every building. They are introducing city patrols. They have changed it from 24 hours in a day to 48 even tho its realistically only one half an hour, just to make us do more work! They are ALLOWED to look inside your home even when your not there. Yep not that bad!" He says trying to get his point across. He turns back around leaving the female behind.

Shortly after the male hedgehog arrived at his dear home and decided to rest on himself on his sofa and read a book. He decided he would worry about his work arrangements later. He turned on the television so it wasn't all quiet while he read his book, it was quietly playing in the background. Moments later the news came onto the television, grabbing ahold of his attention.

"News just in. Our new leader, Zaire has officially banned homosexual relationships, furthermore if anyone gets caught in a homosexual relationship they will be punished. He is also introducing a new social service now officially named the thought police. We haven't been told anymore about these new inputs but as soon as we do we do we will share it. That's all for now, goodbye." The dark Hedgehog was shocked about these new laws. 'Why homosexuals? Does he have something against it? If so why?' He thought. "I need to go check on Sonic." I had just recently found out that sonic was gay. It's not like I care about him or anything, I just want to make sure he doesn't do anything stupid... wow it actually sound like I care.

The dark hedgehog walked calmly not wanting the government to suspect anything just in case they were watching him. Like they said, they are starting city patrols, I could cause suspicion. I begin to walk along the street till I see a GUN Officer. I continue to walk, not trying to attract attention. "Oh Shadow, I heard you quit your work at GUN." I turned and saw the officer. " Yes sir I have." He gave me a stern look. "Well don't be out of work too long, if you don't find work soon you'll be put into the testing factory." He says. "What's that?" I asked completely puzzled. "Well its a place where if you don't find work within a week you get sent there, they test chemicals and experiments on you, you have no choice than to work there and if you refuse then you get punished." I look at him, trying to understand what he had just said. I nod and walk away, shortly after I arrive at the young blue hedgehogs home.

I gently knock on the door hearing muffled noises, I soon see some green eyes poke from out of the door looking right at me before closing it. "Sonic?" I say stopping the door from closing with my foot. "Go away Shadow! I don't want to hear your lecture on why I shouldn't be gay!" I feel to door pressing against my foot with a lot more force. "Sonic I'm not here to do that." I say trying to reason with him. "Shadow I know you work for GUN!" He says pushing the door harder. "Sonic I just quit." I feel the pressure against my foot lighten. "H-how can I trust you?" He stutters. "Sonic I promise you, I hate the new laws too." He opens the door silently and let's me in, not making eye contact with me.

I slowly walk into the house looking at the interior on the inside, I have to admit he's get a nice house. "Shadow why did you come here if you don't work for GUN anymore?" He asks. "I wanted to check on you, to see if your okay." He quickly looks up at me and walks past me into a kitchen, I caught a look at his face, he was blushing, it was so adorable to see him like that. I turn to see him turning on the kitchen taps, filling the sink with hot, clean water, soon adding washing up liquid to it. "You don't have to check on me Shadow I'm okay." He says going back to not making eye contact with me.

I walk into the kitchen and look at him. "Well you always like to check on others that you care about when the might be struggling." I reply. I see that his blush had gotten a lot more brighter. " you care about he shadow?" He glanced over to me and smiled. I just nod feeling my face heat up. I hear him making a small 'awww' sound and it makes my face heat up even more. "Don't take advantage of this faker." I say looking away. "But I think it's cute!" He says then he immediately looks back at the sink. I think he just realised what he had said. I hear him turning off the running water.

I look over and see him blushing madly, I think I've never seen him this red before. "Ummm so can you look after yourself with these new laws..." I say, I see him stop all moment and slowly look towards me. "Shadow... I've fought a robotic clone, The God of Destruction, not to mention helping you with the Space Colony Ark, Black Arms, and also fought the manifestation of darkness from the planets centre, a giant robot powered by aliens, and saved those aliens, plus their four or five planets, then saved their corrupted mother, and won, so why shouldn't I be able to take care of myself?!" I looks at him a little startled. "Where did that come from." I say slightly aggravated and trying to keep calm. "That came from the truth shadow!" I've never seen him snap like this before. "Don't take your anger out on me just because of a law that I can't change!" He groans and starts to throw some plates into the sink, startling me a little.

"I only came to help..."

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