Chapter 5

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I woke up the next day, Sonic in my arms. I looked down at him and smiled, I gently lifted quills, to wake him up in a soft and gentle way. He slowly woke up as his soft quills fell out of my hands like silk. And heck, they smelt amazing. I smiled towards him, warmly, remembering the night before. "Morning" I say softly, not too loud for his sensitive ears, especially because were so close and he's just woken. "Morning shad" he replies sleepily.

It's just you and me, only us because what happened before won't count anymore or matter. We can try this.

I caught myself looking deeply into his addictive emerald eyes. I think he noticed me looking, I finally know what love means. I don't think I've ever felt this way about anyone... ever... not even Maria. "Shadow? Are you okay?" Sonic says, grasping me and yanking me directly out of my thoughts. I nod and kiss his forehead "what's on your mind?" He asks, I could hear a hint of concern in his voice. "Sonic... What if everyone knew?... sonic we are doing something really illegal here. Is this the right thing for us?" I replied calmly. He instantly sat up.

I don't need you to sell me on reasons to want you...
I don't need you to search for the proof that I should,  you don't have to convince me.
You don't have to be scared you're not enough because what we've got going is good. If you like me for me that's all I need. What became before won't count anymore or matter. We could try this?

"What the hell shadow" I look at him, blankly, I don't know why he responded in this way. "What? Sonic I only asked you a simple question" I reply keeping an unreadable expression on my face, like always. "Shadow it's the way you said it." He is lips were slightly curled downward now, presenting a frown upon his face. This was rare for him.
"I said it how I say most things." He was leaning against his arm, looking down at me. I was still laid down on the bed.  "Well you sounded so unsure about us..." he replied. "Well it now has gone back to being illegal. It's now frowned upon again, the government just now think it's an illness" I explain, I obviously shouldn't have said that because I think I pissed sonic off. "An illness!? Shadow you worked for them! You could of stopped this!"

Now I realised I need to watch what I say. Even though I was used as a weapon of destruction. Used to destroy all that got in my way. Should we try this?

"Oh so it's my fault this is it!? My fault that the government is so blind that they can't even see that it's actually love, but heck, that must be my fault because I worked for them, that just makes the story clear now. All the jigsaw pieces have been put in the 'correct' order and that shows that me, shadow the hedgehog caused all this mess in the first place, even though I'm gay too." Eh!? Where did that come from... why did I just snap at him. It's too late now. It's happened. I sit up and get to the edge of the bed and put my boxers on. I hear a sigh from behind me as I reach for my shirt.

I'm loosing my mind, just a little. Why has all of this got to be so confusing and frustrating. What would happen if we were to try this?

I groan and put my shirt on, soon followed by my pants. "Maybe it is!" I hear my stubborn boyfriend yell from behind me "what did you even do to try stop them!?" I feel myself loosing my temper with him slowly. I'm gunna burst, I can tell he regrets what he said to me because of the tone of his voice but he's STILL standing with what he's saying. "Sonic!! You don't know any s*** G.U.N put me through!!! I put my freaking job on the line because I knew it wouldn't be fair. It's not!! And now even the person I
thought would always have my back is actually blaming me for it at!!! DAMN IT ALL!"

I hate shouting at you like this but what have I done to get you to blame me like this?
Is it worth trying this?

I was thinking the world of you just then but then this happens. I just want you to know I care! That's why I'm annoyed! But no matter what happens, you'll be my lover.

I love you

"...But I love you"
He must have been speaking before this but this one sentence grabbed a hold of me.

(Sorry I felt like I need to add more so here ya go⬇️)

We were interrupted by tails calling us down for breakfast "we will talk about this later" I sigh. Sonic struggled to get his clothes on, jeez I must have been going really hard on him last night. The was whining in pain while he walked. I could tell he was trying to hide it from his room mates, we walked down the stairs, I had to help him. I heard two voices talking but then suddenly stopped when me and sonic had entered the room.

Sonic looked at them in confusion "why the sudden silence" he looked at the red echidna and the yellow fox. Knuckles and tails chuckled nervously and trailed to avoid the question. "Is it because of me and him being a thing?" He lifts his hand up like a thumbs up gesture but pointed the thumb toward me to indicate he was talking about me "no, no, no" tails instantly said to try hide something. "Yeah, you guys are so loud" knuckles decide does that the couldn't be bothered telling lies. I instantly blush but with seeing sonics reaction he just looked so confused. "You mean this morning? Sorry if we woke you up guys" Knuckles starts to laugh at sonics reply and I face palm as I feel my face becoming more heated and flustered.

Tails was clearly trying not to laugh because he was putting the plates on the table and was trying his best not to drop them. Knuckles , Tails and me simply just wave it off and let him think that, he was still looking at us confused, we all sat down for breakfast and began to ate, when we were all in the middle sonic started to blush intensely and choke on his bacon, I patted his back to help him stop choking the best I could. He finally stopped choking. "Knuckles!!!" His face was as read as the echidna that he had shouted. "Hah you finally get what we were talking about" he chuckled quietly. Sonic threw a sausage at his head for 'payback' or what his idea of what it's supposed to be is.

After breakfast me and sonic got in the shower, got changed again, and when sonic could finally walk without feeling pain in his rear, me and sonic decided to head into town to see if the cafe still had available working places, and yep it sure does, we applied for the job, blah blah blah, boring boring boring. But sadly we had to if we didn't wanna get humiliated and got sent to that work house or whatever it is called.

When we arrived back home, to our surprise we saw two cop cars in front of our house
... "oh no.." be both mutter in sync

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