Chapter 15

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"Sonic! Sonic! Wake up!" I hear my lover waking me up. "W-wha? What's wrong?" I entered into panic mode. "I found out what's causing you to be sick!" He was sat at the end of the bed. "O-oh" I rested back. He's such an idiot, I thought we got found or he had hurt himself. "What is it then?" I ask, I sat up slowly. "Um.." he looked at me shyly. He's being shy? Aw! I don't know weather to be scared or not.

"Well... your pregnant.." he says softly. My eyes began to widen. "Pregnant?!" I'm not ready for pups! I haven't even been with shadow for long! "It's okay calm down, I did some research about your state and I figured out that you are. It's nothing to worry about" he says trying to make me feel better about this situation. "I want to go home! I want to go home!! Shadow! I'm not ready for this!" I yelled, tears falling out of my eyes. "Sonic we can't go home, we will get caught. Even if your not ready for this baby, we still have to love it and care for it. It will be safer here" he grabs ahold of my hands to get my attention. "Sonic we can't go home... I'm sorry but that's the truth." He continues.

"I hate this!" I yell and pull my hands away from his. "The only reason I'm pregnant is because you wouldn't let me look around! You wouldn't let me get to know around this stupid metal shit tip!" I yell in anger. "Well you wanted something to do didn't you?! You wasn't complaining when it was happening so stop complaining!" I growled at him. "Since when can you tell me what to do?!" I ask still clearly annoyed.

"Sonic I'm doing this to protect you!!" He yells at me. "I can protect myself!" I yell in response "Sonic just calm down! You need to relax!" I give him a death glare. "Calm down?! Your expecting me to calm down when I'm panicking. Shadow having a child is a big thing! I can't just easily calm down!" I yell "let me go home!" I hear a groan. "Fine! I'm not arguing about this! I thought you'd be happy. You just sound like you couldn't care less about this child. This kid isn't just an item!" I was about to speak until he continued "and if you want to go home go ahead and do it! I thought that you'd understand why you can't go home. Your obviously too blind to see why!" He throws his chaos emerald onto the bed next to me.

He walks into another room and I begin to break down. Did I really just argue with him about that. I'm so stupid. He only wants to help. I pick up his chaos emerald and hold it in both of my hands I bring my knees up to my chest and rest my arms against them. I let my hands rest against my head with the chaos emerald. I continue to cry. "I'm so sorry" I talk to myself as if shadow was there listening. "I'm sorry, you are trying to protect me and I was being so stupid and stubborn." I continue to cry "I hope your not mad at me, I'm so sorry"

I want him to come back in here to me and tell me that everything is okay and that he forgives me, even tho I don't deserve it. I got up, still holding the glistening emerald. I need to find him. I walked out of the room and scanned the hall way. "Shadow?" I call out, only just loud enough for someone to hear. "Shadow??" I call out louder. I begin my way down the metal hallway. I peaked into a few rooms to see if he was there but there was no sign of him.

"S-Shadow?" I was beginning to get worried. Not like he would go and do anything stupid anyways. I have his chaos emerald so he couldn't have chaos controlled anywhere. He must be here somewhere.

I looked around for a while until I heard a grunt once I called out for him one last time. I     felt like giving up on the search. But as soon as I heard that grunt I knew he was around. Who else could it be? "Shad? I'm worried" I say as if he could hear me. I felt a tear rolling down my cheek, landing onto the emerald. "I'm really sorry" I just knew he could hear me. But it was so...


I slid down the wall of the hallway I was in. I just want him with me. I want to apologise for acting like that. People say I feel bad too easily but I think that it's best to be like that.

It's good to feel bad so then people actually know you care. Apologise because maybe the next minute of your life, it could be without that person. They could have gone forever.

I started to think about the things I had experienced, I tried to take my mind of the thought of shadow now wanting to be with me anymore. He didn't break up with me though. We were arguing, that's all... right? Shit. I couldn't get these thoughts that I was having out of my head. Shadow got lucky. He didn't have to go to that place we all had to get dragged into, it made us all grow up thinking that we would never be loved. The first day at a new school when I got called a freak because of my speed. Maybe I am a freak in some peoples eyes.

"I remember the names I used to get called at school. The hell hole that we all got forced to grow up in. Unless you were lucky... homeschooled or plain out lucky. Kids used to say that rhyme. About sticks and stones. As if broken bones hurt more than the names we got called, and we gat called them all. I know I'm not the only one who grew up this way... there's a lot of people have been though a lot of stuff. It's hard to keep going all the time. But that's not going to stop me." I say to myself.

I don't know where that came from but it felt good to let out. I think I'm just stressing out over the fact that I'm having a child when I'm not ready. "I'm over thinking things. Thinking about things that are completely different from what is happening right now." I look down at my belly. Why the hell was I talking to myself.

I move my hand to my belly. I know theres no bump from the baby yet but I know that it's there. "I'm sorry, I just wasn't sure about you. I didn't think that I could handle this yet. I would never get rid of you though. Everyone deserves a chance at life. I was over reacting and I made you daddy think that I didn't love him anymore" tears begin to fall out of my eyes.

"I miss your daddy. I said some things I shouldn't have." I rub my belly. I wipe my eyes with my free hand. "I do understand what he was saying, why was I so stupid?" I ask myself.

"Sonic it's okay, I shouldn't have yelled at you. I should have understood that you were stressed about this. I know your only young" I look up to see shadow stood next to a door. A room that I hadn't checked. "Shadow..." I stand up and ran over to him and hugged him. "I'm so sorry" I cried. "Shh it's okay" he rubbed my back. I love him so much

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