Chapter Two

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"Stiles, for the love of god this is the third time this morning I'm banging on your door. It is time to get up." Grace couldn't help but chuckle as she stepped out of the bathroom. Pulling her red hair up into a ponytail she made her way down the hall towards the sheriff noting the look of defeat on his face. Over the last month and a half she had been staying with the Stilinskis she had come to learn this was a daily ritual in the house hold. She knew Stiles had been up well into the night doing last minute research and planning for the groups (sans Grace) rescue trip to Mexico. They had been working on narrowing down exactly where the Calaveras headquarters were. Once that was done it would just be getting there (without any suspicion from the Sheriff and Melissa).

After Allison's death, her Uncle and Isaac had decided on leaving Beacon Hills for a while. Not only to find a permeant place for the Oni to be sealed away but in a way to heal. Paris had always been a favorite of Allison's. Growing up the two had visited many times with Chris and Victoria, Allison always expressing her desire to live there permanently one day. That was one of the reasons why Grace had opted to stay behind. It would hurt to much being in a city that held so many memories of Allison. She had lied to her uncle, saying she did not want to miss any time from school. She had a feeling he knew the real reason but had not pushed the subject. He had gone to the elder Stilinski and had asked if she could stay with them for a while until he returned.

"Want me to grab the bucket?" Grace questioned, leaning against the wall. John nodded, smirking as he turned to the 15-year-old.

"Add a bit more ice this time if you don't mind." Smiling, Grace rushed down the stairs where she retrieved the mop bucket before filling it up to the brim with water and ice. Gripping the handle, she trudged up the stairs and towards Stiles bedroom. Trying to hide her smile, she quickly pushed the door open, her grip on the heavy bucket tight.

A shrill scream tore through the house as Stiles sat up in bed, his body drenched in cold water. "OH MY GOD REALLY?! THAT'S THE FOURTH TIME THIS WEEK!" He yelled, his eyes darting to Grace who stood by the door way, doubled over with laughter.

"Guess third times the charm than. Get your ass up or will both be late for school." She said before quickly closing the door, avoiding the sopping pillow that had been thrown in her direction. Grace grabbed her backpack and coat, heading down the stairs where she joined John at the table.

"You know you could always stay here and live with us permanently. I mean who else is going to help when I have to drag his scrawny ass from bed?" The sheriff questioned, smiling behind his cup of coffee. Grace smiled as she dug into her bowl of cereal.

"Don't worry sheriff. Put me on speed dial and I'll come over with the bucket any time." The two fell into a comfortable silence as they continued their breakfast, the silence broken as a pair of feet skidded down the stairs and into the kitchen. Stiles glared, looking over at his father and Grace, both sporting shit eating grins at his entrance.

"Morning Stiles. You better grab something quick or your going to be late for school." John said, standing to his feet as he discarded his empty bowl and mug into the sink.

"You two are evil you know that. And extra ice dad really? I could have gotten hypothermia and it would have been all your fault." Stiles exaggerated, pouring a bowl as he quickly dug into his breakfast.

"If it got you up and out to school I think I could live with myself. I'm working a double tonight so Grace I'm leaving you some cash for takeout tonight." John said as he dug through his wallet, handing the money to Grace who pocketed it in her wallet.

"Have a good day Sheriff." She called as he made his way out the door. Turning, she smirked at Stiles, who continued to shovel his cereal into his mouth. "Hey Stiles your hairs looking a bit drenched?"

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