Chapter five

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"Of course your still the team captain. You got your grades up like coach told you right?" Stiles turned to Scott, Grace walking between the two as they made their way towards the lacrosse field. Grace fought back a yawn, realizing just how stupid she had been in staying up till 2 in the morning with Stiles, scouring over the bestiary and police reports the night before. With the surprise return of her aunt Kate and the break in at the Hale vault, they had been busy looking over every report, every page in the bestiary and online archives trying to make sense of everything.

Scott nodded his head, sighing a little unsure. "Yeah but he never told me I was back on the team. He just told me to show up at tryouts today."

Stiles waved him off as the trio stopped. "We got bigger things to deal with. Have you heard back from your uncle yet on the whole resurrected sister thing?" Stiles turned his attention to Grace who just shrugged.

"All I've been getting are his voicemails, time difference and reception make it kind of hard but I left him a message about it." She said as Stiles stared at her, a look of perplexation on his face.

"You told him his sister Kate came back from the dead over a voice message?" Stiles said as Scott jumped in. "I texted him. Don't exactly have the money to call France and all."

"Maybe he got the message and he's on his way back that's why he's not calling." Grace explained, fixing her beanie as Stiles sighed.

"What the hell are we even doing here anyway? We have like 117 million problems and worrying about our status on the lacrosse team is not one of them." Both Grace and Scott's attention were drawn behind Stiles towards the field, Grace with a smile and Scott with a worried expression.

"It is now." Was all Scott said before Stiles joined them in starring at the center of the field. Liam was stood in goal, lacrosse stick gripped tightly as both Garret and Josh lobbed lacrosse balls at his direction. Not one of them made it past him, Liam moving fluidly and almost graceful as he caught each and everyone of them. Grace couldn't help but feel a small flutter of pride, watching as he stopped before pulling his face guard away. She could hear Stiles muttered confirmation that they indeed needed to practice before scurrying away.

Grace made her way over to the bleachers, taking a seat and pulling out her phone. Seeing that there was no new text or missed call from her uncle, she slipped it back into her pocket before she felt a presence beside her.

"Hey beautiful." Blushing at the compliment, Grace turned to her side were Liam was seated, a grin spreading over his face. She noticed the thin sheen of sweat coating his brow but other than that he didn't seem out of breath at all.

"Hey Li. You looked good out there. Guess your ready for tryouts today then?" He shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly, throwing his arm around her shoulders.

"I guess. Although it would be great if you could be there for the tryouts. You know, a bit of added luck and all." He said, pulling her a bit closer.

Grace bit her lip, bringing her finger up to her chin as she pretended to ponder. "Hmmm I don't know I mean you did say you were good so you probably don't need me there." She gave him a teasing grin, laughing a bit as she felt him press his lips lightly to hers. It was their first kiss since the initial one and was just as good if not better. Moving her lips against his, she felt his hand move up, gently cupping her cheek, his thumb ghosting softly over jaw.

They jumped back when a loud bang rattled the bench, quickly looking to see a lacrosse ball laying down beside Liam. Turning to the field, she directed her glare towards Scott and Stiles, the lacrosse stick slung over Scotts shoulder, a shit eating grin etched on Stiles face as he waved over. "Sorry, guess we're a bit rusty." She could see Scott trying not to laugh as she glared.

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