Chapter four

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"Ok that's it. I'm calling Liam and canceling." Reaching for the phone, Ella quickly knocked it from Graces hand. "Hey!"

"Your freaking out over nothing Grace. I promise we will find you something to wear. I mean there has to be something in this tornado of a mess." That was an understatement, the clothes Grace had brought with her from her home strewn across the floor and bed in disarray. Grace let out a groan, flopping back down on her bed before Ella joined her. "Fess up, this isn't just about finding an outfit to wear, is it?"

"She always said she couldn't wait for my first date." The pain was evident in her voice, Ella taking her hand in comfort. They both knew exactly who Grace meant. "Allison should be here, helping me pick out an outfit, giving me advice, telling me she would wait up to hear all about it. I want her here with me."

Ella sat up, glancing over at her best friend. "I know Gracie but if she were here, she wouldn't want you moping around. She would want you to pick out an amazing outfit that will knock the socks off Liam. So that's what we're going to do." Digging through the chaos, Ellla whooped as she held out the clothes. "Here this is the one. Pair this with those gorgeous ankle boots you have and you have a winner."

Taking the clothes, Grace made her way into the bathroom, quickly changing. Starring back at her reflection, she had to admit Ella had been right. Her hands smoothed down the black skirt, watching as it flared down to a little past her mid-thigh. It was paired with a light blue long sleeve top, simple and pretty she thought, shaking her hair loose as it fell into loose waves down her shoulders. She had opted for minimal makeup, deciding to look as natural as she could.

"Wish me luck Ally." She had whispered the small plea before making her way out of the bathroom. Walking into the guest room, she heard her phone vibrate from the end table, picking it up and smiling when she saw her uncles name flash across the screen. Unlocking her phone, she opened the message.

"I'm sorry I can't be there for your first date. Have fun but not too much. Remember you can always bring a gun with you, just in case." Rolling her eyes, she couldn't help the small chuckle that escaped. Leave it to her uncle to recommend bringing a weapon.

"Ok my mom's here so I'm going to leave you. Text me the details when it's over and I want a full run through when we see each other next." Ella grabbed her bag, hugging Grace before heading down the stairs and towards her mother's car.


Pulling up to the theater, Grace couldn't help the flutter in her stomach. She didn't know if she would pass out or throw up and just prayed she did neither. She noticed Liam immediately. He was standing outside by the ticket booth, his hands tucked into the pockets of his jacket, his eyes glancing around every so often.

"You ok?" Mr. Stilinskis voice broke Grace from her trance, giving her an encouraging smile. "You know you can always ditch it."

"No I'm fine just...nervous a bit. I mean kind of hard not to be, first date and all." Her hands felt clammy as she clasped them together in her lap, trying to will them to stop trembling.

"Give me a call when the movies over and I'll come pick you up. In the case something comes up at the station, I'll send Parrish to pick you up alright." Nodding, she reached for the handle, unclasping her seatbelt as she stepped out of the car. "And Grace." Turning back, she noticed the sheriff give her a warm smile. "You look beautiful tonight."

"Thanks." Giving him a smile, she closed the door behind her, before making her way towards the ticket booth.

Liam had no idea why he was so nervous. He had been on dates before and had never felt this on edge. Running his hand through his hair for what felt like the millionth time and glancing down at the clock on his phone, he finally caught sight of Grace. He could have sworn in that moment he felt his heart stop. Moving his hand to his jaw (discreetly making sure it wasn't open in some obnoxious cartoon fashion) he made his way over to her. "Hey Grace, you look...beautiful."

"I could say the same for you. You clean up quite nicely Dunbar." She replied, smiling as the made their way up to the ticket booth. After purchasing their tickets as well as a bucket of popcorn to share, the two headed into the theater, finding some seats near the back.

Throughout the almost two-hour movie, Grace could honestly say she couldn't remember a single part of it. Half way through the film, she had felt something ghost across her hand. Looking down, she watched as Liam's fingers brushed against hers, before gently grasping her hand in his. As cheesy as it sounded, she felt a buzz run up her arm the moment he took her hand. They remained like this the rest of the movie, Grace eventually finding her head against Liam's shoulder, her body curled up as much as it could beside his as the arm rest would allow.

When the movie had ended, the two teens had made their way out of the theater, their hands still intertwined. "God that was so cheesy. I mean seriously half the stunts in that movie could never physically happen."

Liam laughed, glancing over at Grace. "Yeah but the company was pretty good."

Shrugging her shoulders, she gave him a coy smile. "I guess." The two stood there, a comfortable silence falling between them. Liam was the first to break it as he glanced behind her. "Your rides here."

Turning her head back, she saw Johns car parked nearby. "So, I'll see you at school on Monday." Reluctantly, she released his hand before turning to walk away. Before she could start to walk away, she felt a small pressure on her arm, Liam's hand gentle as he turned her to face him, leaning down and pressing a small kiss to her lips. It took a moment for Grace to realize that he was really kissing her before she kissed back, her eyes slipping shut.

After a moment, Liam slowly pulled away, a smile on both their faces as the looked at each other. "Goodnight Grace." Squeezing her hand softly, he turned, making his way to a car were his step father was already waiting. Grace couldn't stop the smile as she made her way over towards Johns car, getting in and pulling her seatbelt on.

"So guessing there's going to be a second date then?" He asked, pulling the car out of the parking lot. All Grace could do was smile, her lips still tingling from the kiss. Oh yeah, there would definitely be more dates to come.

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