Bad dreams,promises and paci's

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Dinah's pov
I was woken up by a noise i looked at my phone and seen it was 4am i heard the whimpering getting louder,i jumped out of bed and walked to camila's room i seen her fast asleep cuddled into her unicorn teddy i quietly closed the door and walked to lauren and normani's room normani was fast asleep in her crib but poor lauren was in the middle of a bad dream,"lauren wake up sweetie its dinah you're safe"i said quietly i watched lauren jump awake gasping and whimpering "shhh sweetheart its okay"i said gently sitting on her little bed "i s ssowwy" lauren stuttered out trying to calm down "its okay baby"i said gently reaching out to hold her hand "cuddle pwese" lauren whispered looking scared, i gently picked lauren up and could feel her shaking "mommy" i heard from behind me as lauren whimpered "mila its okay baby lauren's just a little scared and had a bad dream" i said seeing camila look worried "maybe nala can help lauren" camila said reaching to get the nala teddy from the end of lauren's bed,"nala can keep you safe and keep the bad dreams away" camila said shyly handing the teddy to lauren, i noticed lauren was fighting to stay awake "why don't we all get into bed and get some more sleep"i said camila nodded and walked back to her room lauren still had hold of me "come on lets lie down and get some more sleep" i said helping lauren back into bed "no leave pwese" lauren whimpered "okay sweetie lets get into bed and ill stay with you" i said helping lauren lay down,i could feel the toddler shaking "i sowwy dinah" lauren said looking at me i watched her looking at normani and frowning "mani's paci gone" she whispered "mine gone to" she said looking sad "lauren would you like to have a paci"i asked gently "ess mani to" she said looking at me"how about tomorrow me and you and mani go to get some new paci's" i said smiling i watched the toddler smile and nod,i watched lauren yawn and hug nala as her eyes closed,
When everyone woke up i went to check on camila who was still fast asleep i seen she was still pale,i gently felt her forehead yep no school for this little one today,i went to check on lauren and normani and seen ally stood in the doorway "their so cute" ally whispered looking at the little ones "i checked camila she's still pale and felt hot" i said as ally leaned back into me "ill go check on her " ally said leaning into me "oh lauren had a bit of a bad night and wondered where her's and normani's paci's where so i promised id take them out to get some more"i said looking at ally "you can stay with camila ill take them out so you can rest" ally said smiling.
Ally's pov
Once all the girls where awake i started making breakfast,"mama not hungry" camila croaked out her eyes welling up and bottom lip trembled "its okay pumpkin can you drink you're milk" i asked watching camila take a sip then wimpier "hurts mama" she said crawling onto my knee "how about i warm you're milk up and put it in a cup with a lid for you" i asked wrapping my arms round mila who nodded,i carried camila to the sofa and sat her down i handed her the tv remote" you find something nice to watch ill be back in a minute and mommy will stay with you while i run to the store with lauren and normani" i said kissing her cheek,i quickly set some breakfast out for lauren ,normani and dinah and warmed camila's milk up "here you are baby girl" i said handing her a cup

Ally's povOnce all the girls where awake i started making breakfast,"mama not hungry" camila croaked out her eyes welling up and bottom lip trembled "its okay pumpkin can you drink you're milk" i asked watching camila take a sip then wimpier "hurt...

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"Thank you mama" camila said lying down again,just then i seen dinah come down with lauren and normani in her arms "good morning little ones" i said watching normani smile shyly "lets get some breakfast then you girls and ally are going to the store while i stay with camila" dinah said i seen lauren nod and sit on the seat next to the high chair as dinah placed normani into the seat

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