Sickness and cuddles ????????????????????

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Dinah's pov
As i woke up i heard little whimpers coming from the baby monitor"mani i go get help" i heard lauren say i jumped up and rushed to the little ones room, as i pushed the door open i seen lauren half out of bed and normani in her cot covered in sick "oh baby girls" i said picking normani up and getting her out of her sickky clothes "i tired dinah i tan't make mani better" lauren said looking sad "you stay in bed sweetheart ill make sure mani is better" i said tucking lauren back into bed,the little one still had a slight fever from being sick the day before, i carried normani to the bathroom and began to run a bath, once id checked the water and made sure it was the right temperature i gently lifted normani into the baby seat in the bath,i could hear ally talking to lauren and camila quietly it was still early once id washed normani i seen ally walk to our room with a diaper and more pyjama's "lauren and camila are flat out again iv made this little one a bottle and got her some medicine" ally said smiling,we decided to set up a cot in our room to keep a eye on normani for the rest of the night,once normani had drank her bottle she was asleep before her head hit the pillow.
Ally's pov
I woke up hearing a little one sobbing as i shot out of bed and hurried to check on camila and lauren,i quietly opened camila's door seeing her spread out fast asleep still as i closed the door i heard little feet stumble towards lauren and normani's door as i opened it lauren jumped into my arms sobbing "mani gone she gone" she said shaking sobbing and coughing "shhhh sweetie shhhh its okay normani is with dinah and me in our room" i said sitting on laurens bed gently rocking the toddler,once lauren was calm i carried her into our room seeing dinah talking to normani,"see sweetie normani's fine" i said watching lauren crawl to normani " lolo" normani said as lauren wrapped her arms round her "how does some breakfast sound little ones" dinah said as both toddlers nodded,i decided to make the little ones some toast,as we all finished i head camila whimpering upstairs dinah looked at me "ill go you stay with these" i said walking upstairs as i reached camila's room i heard a sob   I opened the door and seen mila looking sick "mama" she said as her colour changed i rushed her to the bathroom and held her hair as she threw up,once she'd finished i sat on the toilet and hugged her close "you okay baby girl" i asked feeling her nod "shall we go downstairs and get you some medicine,maybe have a movie day"i asked feeling her temperature creep up,i carried camila downstairs as dinah came out the kitchen with medicine and a drink for everyone "lauren nearly fell asleep eating normani ate two bites of toast and won't have anymore"she said taking camila from me and cuddling her "what shall we watch my love" dinah asked looking at camila "lion king" camila said looking tired,"shall we make the couch into a bed" i asked lauren looked up at me i smiled back "watch this" i said quickly moving everything into place.

Ally's povI woke up hearing a little one sobbing as i shot out of bed and hurried to check on camila and lauren,i quietly opened camila's door seeing her spread out fast asleep still as i closed the door i heard little feet stumble towards lauren ...

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Dinah's pov
Once everyone was settled and the movie was playing normai was next to me then camila then lauren  then ally everyone had fallen asleep but lauren was still fighting sleep we reached a scary bit of the flim and i held her hand and watched her eyes flutter close,i was woken up by little hands on my cheeks "hey little one" i said smiling up at normani she pointed towards the kitchen "baba" she whispered i moved towards the end of the couch watching normani slide off and walk towards the kitchen i seen her looking at her cup from breakfast

"Baba" she said looking at me "would you like some milk sweetie" i asked watching normani smile i filled her cup half way "here you go cutie" i said handing her her cup,i decided to make everyone some soup for supper i was watching normani playing...

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"Baba" she said looking at me "would you like some milk sweetie" i asked watching normani smile i filled her cup half way "here you go cutie" i said handing her her cup,i decided to make everyone some soup for supper i was watching normani playing while cutting the carrots mila didn't like onions no matter how small they where cut up so we added sweetcorn and mushrooms instead,"that smells yummy mommy" i heard camila say smiling "its chicken noodle soup" i said smiling "thank god i taught you how to make this" i heard ally giggle behind me "hey rude much" i said smiling "dinah you used to put sweetcorn in ice cream" ally said laughing,once everyone was awake and the soup was cooked i seen lauren looking at her food "lauren whats wrong" i asked looking at the toddler her lip was trembling and her eyes where full of tears i picked her up and sat her on my knee wrapping my arms round her " whats wrong" i asked feeling her snuggle into me "no wanna be sick again" she said sadly as tiny tears ran down her cheeks,i gently kissed her forehead " i don't think you will be sweetie,i think if you have some of this magic soup it will make you nice and strong so you won't be sick" i said watching lauren nod,i pulled her bowl towards me so she could still sit on my knee,i looked over at ally and smiled i seen normani eating her noodles then i heard ally and lauren laughing as i looked at camila i was laughing as well "poor mila" i said passing lauren to ally 

"Baba" she said looking at me "would you like some milk sweetie" i asked watching normani smile i filled her cup half way "here you go cutie" i said handing her her cup,i decided to make everyone some soup for supper i was watching normani playing...

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I gently lifted camila onto my knee and finished my soup "i think its bed time after we've finished our soups anyway" i said smiling and keeping hold of camila.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2018 ⏰

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