Whats christmas who's santa and sickness ☹️☹️🎄🎅🏻

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Ally's pov
Me and dinah have just got back from christmas shopping and a meeting with selina,demi was babysitting the girls " where home" i shouted watching camila and lauren run towards us and normani toddle over grinning and laughing,i seen demi walk out the room smiling "mama mommy i finished my homework" i heard camila say "goood that means we can start putting the christmas tree up" i said smiling "whats dat" lauren asked looking at me, "whats what sweetheart" i asked smiling "a tismus tree" lauren asked looking confused,i looked at this little girl "its a special tree that we decorate inside" i said smiling i seen demi smiling "they where all amazingly good" she said i handed her her car keys "no go pwese" i heard lauren  whimper behind me looking at demi "demi's not going yet sweetheart but she is going to get some yummy pizza would you like to go with her" i asked earning a nod and a grin.
Demi's pov
As me and lauren walked into the pizza place i placed lauren on the floor and held her hand,"demi wook" lauren said pointing at the christmas tree "thats a christmas tree sweetie thats what ally was talking about"i said smiling,as we reached the till lauren clung onto my leg as i ordered i looked down and seen her looking upset "whats wrong sweetie" i asked as lauren dove into my arms shaking " heyy now whats wrong" i asked picking her up and balancing the pizzas,just then i seen a little boy running round "brad come here please" someone shouted "he hurt my ffoot" lauren whimpered,i knew brad he was a new younger student in my kindergarten class his parents have moved over here from the uk,i seen his mom smiling at me and walked over to her
Mrs simson: hi miss lovato  
Me: hi their miss simson is brad here i said smiling
Mrs simson: yes he's here
Me: this little one is my niece she's just said brad has stood oh her foot
Mrs simson: brad come here right now
Lauren whimpered and clung onto me i placed the pizzas on the table and cuddled lauren close "its okay sweetheart we'll go home soon yeah" i felt lauren nod and seen brad being walked over to me by his mom,as soon as brad seen me and lauren he looked angry with a hard stare aimed at lauren "enough with the nasty look young man "i said my teacher voice coming out" why did you hurt lauren" i asked looking at him "she silly and not talk to me when i said hi" he said looking angry "so you stood on her foot because she didn't talk" i asked watching him nod "do you remember who's always watching to make sure you're being good" i asked watching the worry and fear creep into his face "no no i sowwy i sowwy" he said now looking upset "you'll only find out on christmas day brad" i said nodding to his mum picking up the pizzas and walking to my car with lauren,"lauren can you promise me something" i asked watching her nod "promise me that if anyone is ever mean or nasty to you you will tell me or ally and dinah" i asked watching lauren nod "pwomise i will" she whispered.
Dinah's pov
Once everyone had finished their food me ally and demi decided to surprise the little ones and camila we where going to take them to see santa at the mall "well seems as everyone was so good for demi i say we go and talk to santa and tell him you've all been very good" i said smiling watching camila smile lauren and normani looked confused "who dat" lauren asked looking nervous "he's a person who gives everyone special presents every boy and girl in the world will get presents"ally said smiling,lauren looked nervous still "you don't have to see him or talk if you don't want to sweetheart" i said taking lauren's hand gently "what if we take things slow and see how you feel once we get their" demi said earning a nod from lauren,once we'd parked up everyone took a child i took lauren ally took normani and demi took camila,"im soo excitedd" camila shouted as we walked into the mall,i could feel lauren shake slightly she was looking at the floor i seen camila turn round smiling then looking confused "we may have tears" i said looking at ally "mommy lauren's upset" camila said looking at ally "ill go and get the tickets if you want me to" demi said walking off to the ticket booth i noticed lauren looked pale more then usual "lauren whats wrong sweetheart" ally asked feeling her head i watched allys eyes go big "shoot she's warm" ally said looking concerned "lets get this santa visit out the way and get home" i said seeing ally nod,i noticed normani watching lauren "tay lolo" she asked "lauren's okay sweetie" ally said calming the toddler down,as we reached demi and camila demi had the tickets "i got camila a full ticket with pictures and the little ones just a present but if they feel upto it they can join camila if they want to,oh wow someone's very pale"demi said they where next to see santa,as we stood with lauren and normani lauren kept whimpering we walked forward i seen lauren's colour change and knew what was about to happen "im just" i didn't get to finish before lauren threw up right next to santa i reached into the baby bag and pulled out the wipes cleaning lauren up normani nearly jumped out of allys arms to get to her sister and camila left santa and ran to lauren's side "lauren are you okay sweetie" i asked leaning down as ally gently started changing lauren's clothes,lauren looked up at me with tear filled eyes "MAMAA" she sobbed making grabby hands for me i gently picked her up and wrapped my coat over her "shhh its okay sweetheart where going home now okay" i said watching lauren nod just then i felt someone stood next to me it was santa
He stood next to lauren,lauren looked up with tear filled eyes "sowwy danta" she said her lip quivering "its okay little one you have a nasty bug thats going on the naughty list for making you feel sick but you and you're sisters are all on my good list" he said smiling,as we walked back to the car lauren was asleep in the pram i had hold of camila's hand "mama i told santa that lauren wanted to join our family with normani so he knew to give us their presents" camila said looking up at me.

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