Visits,truthes and surprises

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Dinah's pov
It was a few days after the doctors camila was starting to feel better lauren was sleeping better and normani had finished her antibiotics from the hospital,camila had asked lauren and normani if they wanted to watch a movie in her bedroom and ally was in the office doing some work while i got breakfast ready,as i was about to go and tell the girls breakfast was ready my phone rang
Me: hello
Selina: hi dinah its Selina lauren and normani's social worker i was wondering if i could come by today to check on the girls
Me: hi Selina todays fine
Selina: great ill see you girls later i remember you're address from camila
Me: okay great see you later
I walked into the office "babe Selina is coming to do a check on normani and lauren" i said as ally looked up at me "have the girls had breakfast" ally asked "i was just about to get them their watching a movie in camila's room" i said smiling,i heard a whimper behind me and spun round i seen lauren stood with tears streaming down her little cheeks "lauren whats wrong sweetheart" i asked gently picking her up "we stay here no leave pwese" lauren said clinging onto me and ally,"woah sweetheart you and normani will stay here okay me and ally will keep you and normani safe selina's just coming to check you're okay and safe" i said as lauren looked up at me "if you want to lauren you can sit with one of us on our knee" ally said as lauren nodded "shall we go and have some breakfast" ally asked as lauren nodded.
Ally's pov
As i walked into camila's room i seen camila sat on the floor with normani holding her hand,camila turned round and seen me "mama mani's crying" she said looking at me sadly " come on lets go and find mommy and lauren and have some breakfast" i said picking normani up, as we reached the kitchen i seen lauren sat with dinah "mani sad" lauren asked looking worried "listen little ones everyone will be fine okay Selina is just coming to check everyones happy" i said "im happy mama and mommy" camila said smiling "camila you can be our big girl helper" dinah said smiling, i seen lauren looking at normani then burst out crying "lauren whats wrong" camila asked looking worried as lauren threw herself onto me i picked her up and carried her to the couch "lauren sweetheart its okay to be scared but no ones going to do anything you and normani will still be here at the end of the day" i said feeling lauren nod,i seen camila whisper something to dinah who smiled and nodded i watched camila walk upstairs and heard things being moved upstairs as she came downstairs i smiled at what she had hold of her monkey onesie "lolo this monkey onsie will keep you safe it kept me safe now you can have it" camila said handing lauren the little onsie.
Dinah's pov
As the doorbell rang lauren was clinging onto me in the monkey onsie,"monkey its okay i got you nothings going to happen" i said keeping hold of lauren and opening the door
Selina: oh my goodness theirs a monkey in the house
Dinah: come on in selina
As we walked into the living room i seen camila playing with normani on the floor ally was sat on the couch "hi selina" ally said smiling as everyone sat down lauren kept tight hold of me "someones a little bit nervous" i said keeping my arms round lauren feeling the toddler shaking,i seen camila look up at me and look at lauren "mommy can i talk to lauren in my room" camila asked shyly" yes sweetie you can talk to lauren" ally said smiling.
Camila's pov
I held lauren's hand and walked upstairs and into my room,i jumped onto my bed and helped lauren onto the bed "lolo mama and mommy will keep you safe i promise"i said as we lay down "you like me an mani" lauren asked looking at me "i more then like you lolo i love you both" i said smiling,it suddenly hit me that selina was here what if she takes lo and mani away"lolo stay here i need to go downstairs" i said "no mila " lauren said grabbing my hand,as we walked back into the room i seen mani playing by herself "mama mommy" i said looking at my patents "whats wrong mila" mommy asked looking at me,i felt my eyes fill with tears "mila whats wrong baby" mommy asked picking me up and putting me on her knee "i don't want lolo and mani to go" i sobbed clinging onto mommy as mama picked up lauren and normani,"hey now calm down munchkin, the girls aren't going anywhere their staying here" mama said.
Dinah's pov
As i had hold of lauren and normani i felt lauren turn round and look at me "i stay here with mani no where else" lauren said looking angry selina looked at lauren " lauren you and mani are staying her until" "NOO" lauren shouted "i no leave mani no leave YOU leave an no come back" lauren shouted staring at selina i looked at ally who nodded smiling "lauren would you like to stay here forever" i asked watching lauren calm down and nod,i seen selina smiling "i think two little girls just got very lucky" she said smiling "ill make a few calls and send the adoption papers to you guys" she said smiling "come here miss lauren" selina said watching lauren walk over to her "you be a good monkey and make sure you're mommies look after you okay" selina said watching lauren nod her head,"are lolo and mani my little sisters" camila said smiling,i could feel tears fill my eyes ally was already crying "yes mila their you're sisters" i said hugging lauren and normani.

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