His Story

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Dammit, he misses her, his little water bug. 'I wish I could go back to camp or IM her or just show a sign of life!' But the gods have given him a quest, make a friend within Hecate's pet world, contact and only come back to camp once they allow him to. That means everyone thinks he is dead, and his love doesn't know he all wants is to go back to her. So the boy must focus on the task ahead befriend Luna Lovegood. He doesn't know why or if he will have to bring her to camp, but that is the quest and the faster he completes it the better.

"Oh, I miss you so much... But don't you worry Mia I'll get back to you in no time... or at least I hope so."

Hermione looks around Bunker 9 thinking of all the memories she has with Leo here

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Hermione looks around Bunker 9 thinking of all the memories she has with Leo here. A tear leaks from her eye,

"I'm doing an awful lot of crying these days huh? Leo wouldn't like that." She feels so lost though, usually, she was ecstatic to see Percy and her friends, but this year everywhere she looks she sees Leo. At first, she hadn't really believed it. Gone to Hogwarts believing she'd get an IM from Percy or even from him. But months passed and nothing. Not a single IM, or at least not the wanted. To say the truth it hadn't really hit until Christmas when she had gone to her mom's apartment. Now though Hermione doesn't know what to do. She can't stay at camp and Camp Jupiter isn't an option either,

"I'll go to moms. I'll walk around NYC and just relax, and when I'm ready I'll come back to camp. Now all I have to do is get through the funeral with as little tears as possible." With this in mind, Hermione stands up and surveys Bunker 9 one last time, but as she is turning around she sees something in the corner of her eye. It's a tiny dragon that looked very similar to Festus, just more feminine. There is a paper under it,

"Ignis", Hemione smiles at the name,

"Fire... you always were a bit self-obsessed Leo... and that was one of the reasons why I loved you." and with that she grabs Ignis who squeaks and creaks loudly, and leaves Bunker 9 for what could be forever.

"Mione! Oh dammit, where were you?! I was worried sick! I heard Charlie had told you about the funeral tomorrow

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"Mione! Oh dammit, where were you?! I was worried sick! I heard Charlie had told you about the funeral tomorrow. Oh, are you alright?!" Says a frantic Daisy, Hermione nods not really listening just looking ahead.

"Let her breathe Daisy, I'll take care of her, you go to Clarisse she is looking for you." says a for-once-in-a-lifetime serious Percy,

"Mia-" he starts

"DON'T! Don't call me that. Only he can call me that."

"Ok Mione, come here you look like you need a hug.," he says opening his arms to his twin, who nods and runs into them,

"It's going to be ok. You're going to be just fine Mione." he soothes, Hermione shaking under him,

"I'm going to go to moms right after the funeral tomorrow... I'll probably come back towards the end of August to say goodbye. I'm sorry Perce, but I can't stay here... you understand, no?" Percy nods, he knows his sister needs that,

"I'll IM mom tell her to come pick you up at 14:00, ok?" Hermione nods and the twins untangle from their hug. Mione spends the rest of the day responding to owls from her wizard friends and playing with Ignis. Doing anything she can not think about tomorrow.

Hermione JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now