[ "All I need is you" ] Harry Potter

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Harry and Hermione walked the perimeter, they were giving (y/n) some space. Ron was siting outside the tent, doing the same. He had tried to talk to her, like Hermione had suggested, it didn't work. She clearly didn't want to talk. They felt bad for not wanting to be in the tent while (y/n) was wearing the horcrux, it was an understatement to say she was the most effected by it. They had tried to tell her she didn't need to wear it but she felt like dead weight when she wasn't doing something.

"Do you think we should try talking to her more?" Hermione asked Harry. He looked at her, thinking, "I mean she might just need to let it out..." Hermione added. 

"I suppose" he said, "are you going to?" 

"I've tried" Hermione said, "Ron said he was going to talk to her... or try." 


Ron, Harry and Hermione had walked back into the tent. Ron went straight to his bed and Harry and Hermione sat at the table. Ron had turned on the radio, as the snipping of scissors started, Hermione had finally decided to cut Harry's hair. I sat in the same place, which was on my bed in the corner. I could hear the radio crystal clear. I seen Ron turn it down, "no, leave it" I said and he turned it back up. Ron smiled at me and I forced one back. Ron and I were waiting to hear someone's name. That's when I heard the names I was hoping I never would. My heart dropped into my stomach, I sat still for a moment longer, then stood up and walked out the tent.


Ron looked up and watched as she walked out, he turned to see Hermione and Harry watching her too. "What was that about?" Ron asked. Hermione shrugged. Harry had a feeling he should have known what was wrong with her. He looked to the radio and then to Ron. 

"What were the names they had said?" Harry asked Ron but Hermione answered. "Her parents..." Harry whispered. He knew he needed to go after her. 

"Just give her a bit of time" Hermione said, "she'll come back." Harry already knew that (y/n) would come back, something was telling him she would. It didn't mean that he wasn't fighting the urge to run after her. 

Ron and Hermione were feeling guilty that they still had parents. It was a stupid thing to feel guilty about but they did. Even though Hermione's didn't know she even existed and Ron didn't know if his were alive. At least they were left to hope. (y/n) had nothing to hope for. They wondered what that would do to her, never mind the horcrux. 


I came back to the tent, I never thought I wouldn't. I just didn't want them to see me cry. It looked like they were all asleep when I got back. Hermione had left her little flame on the table and another next to my bed. I smiled, they really did care. I never doubted they didn't really, that was probably the horcrux talking. 

It was hard for me to sleep, every time I closed my eyes I see them. I see a memory I had with them-

I'm 10, I have a week and 3 days until my 11th birthday. Mum has been rather excited about it and I'm not sure why. Dad seemed to know why but he never told me.

On 7th of May an owl landed, in midday, on the windowsill of my room. I stared at it. Then walked to my door, hanging my head out the door, "Dad!" I shouted. He came running up and I said, "There's an owl on the windowsill."

I heard a gasp and mum ran out their bedroom and down the hall and into my room. "Mum, you'll scare it away!" I scolded. She waved me off and to my surprise she opened the window and let it in.

"Don't let it in!" Dad flapped his arm and left the room. Mum gave him a stare as the owl sat perfectly still on the desk, I never realised it was holding a letter in its beak.

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