Chapter Seven

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Onyx's POV

I woke up the next morning and smiled recalling last night. Johnnie was such a sweetheart. I got out of bed and took a shower and changed into this: *pic above* Going downstairs, I noticed that Jake was sleeping on the couch and Ashley was on the floor asleep while Jinxx and CC were up. "Morning guys.", I said. CC nodded his head and Jinxx smiled. " Hey", they both said. " Can you all just shut up? My head hurts!", Ashley whined. "Shut up Ashley!", Jake groaned. " Idiots. You should know not to drink like crazy knowing you'll get a hangover.", Jinxx scolded as he got a glass of water for the both of them. I stopped Jinxx. "Water won't work.", I said. I made blueberry and banana pancakes, bacon, and coffee. Put in on a tray. I handed Ashley and Jake their food. "Eat first and then go get cleaned up.", I ordered walking away. I sat on a chair and checked me phone. I got a text from Johnnie.

J: Hey. You free today?
O: Not right now at the moment. How come?
J: I was going to see if you wanted to come paint balling with me, Bryan, and couple other friends of mine.
O:Let me ask my dad first.

"DAD!", I yelled walking up the stairs. " Yeah?", he asked walking out of his room. " Can I go paint balling with Johnnie and his friends?".  " Go for it. Just come home at 7:30 okay?", he replied. I nodded my head and thanked him.

J: Well, what did your dad say?
O: He said yes. Just have to be home at 7:30 though.
J: I can have you home earlier than that if you want.
O: Okay. What time should I be at your place?
J: Right now actually. We're driving to the place and it takes about 2 hours to get there.
O: Okay. I'm on my way right now.
J: Yay!! Love you babe
O: Love you too

I grabbed a small bag with my charger, head phones, a monster, and my wallet. "Here. Take this with you as well.", Jinxx said handing me 100$. " Jinxx, that's too much money.", I said hesitating to take it. "Take it. You need to pay to get in and you need to get food as well. I'm not having my niece walking around hungry then passing out during a game.", he said shoving the money in my hand. " Thanks Jinxx. I'll pay you back somehow!," I said running out the door.

I finally got to Johnie's place about 20 minutes later. " You're here!!", Bryan said giving me a hug. I laughed and hugged him back. " Babe, this is Jeydon, Shannon, Jordan, Alex, Jordan, Richie, and Kris. He's also known as Kris The Bunny.", Johnnie said giving me a hug and a kiss on the cheek. I smiled at everyone shyly. " I'm On-" . "We know. Johnnie doesn't stop talking about you.", Shannon said grinning.  I giggled at Johnnie who was blushing. Poking, his cheek I grinned. " Ha! Finally got a chance to see you blush! Now you know how I feel.", I said laughing. Johnnie poked his tongue out while everyone else was laughing.  We all got into our cars and drove off. I was in the back with Johnnie while Bryan was driving and Kyle was sitting up front. We played some songs and sang till our throats started to hurt. I kept laughing when Johnnie and Bryan sang "Sexting" by Blood On The Dance Floor. Kyle and I filmed them singing it. 

( A/N: I have no clue what happens at a place where you can do paint balling so, I'll let you imagine what happened.)

* driving back home*

After we went paint balling, all of us decided to stop by at MC Donald's to get something to eat. I checked the time as saw that I was 6:00 and we were about 20 minutes away. I got up to get some fresh air. Walking outside, I sighed. I felt a pair of arms wrapped around my waist. Flinching, I looked up and saw that it was Johnnie. " You okay?'", he asked looking back at me. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just needed fresh air.", I replied smiling softly. " The guys are going to stay longer around here so I'll get a taxi and we can leave now so you can get home.", Johnnie said. I nodded my head and Johnnie called a taxi to come pick us up.

*once back home* 

" Thanks for today. It was fun and it was nice meeting your friends.",I said hugging Johnnie. He smiled and kisses my head. " I'm glad that you had fun. And everyone likes you.", he replied.  I kissed him softly. We kept kissing each other until we heard the door open. We pulled away quickly blushing. " Alright kids. No making out or screwing on Andy's front porch. ", Ashley said grinning. Johnnie blushed while I flipped off Ashley. " You would do something like that Purdy. We have  dignity and knowledge unlike you when it comes to knowing where to screw each other or make out.", I said loudly walking in. Ashley looked at me in shock while Johnnie, Andy, Jake, Jinxx and Juliet laughed. " Damn. She has Andy's attitude and quick  response.", Jake said wiping his eyes.  I went to my room and took a shower. After changing, I layed down on my bed and face timed Johnnie.  We kept talking until it was 3 am.

Drifting to sleep, I thought: " Best day ever. I'm happy I have Johnnie in my life."

A/N: I PROMISED YOU ALL AN UPDATE AND I DID! SO HAHAHAHA IN YOUR FACE. But, sorry for the update taking to long. High school is busy and I have a life. Which some people don't understand and want me to update constantly.  *cough. cough* Fiona *cough* Arlene*cough* . Another update will happen most likely tonight or tomorrow. Just be patient. 

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