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Annie and I were playing with Hayley in their room when Annie found her makeup kit (kids makeup, of course). Hayley was busy playing with one of her toys, so Annie came over to me and whispered, "I wonder if she'd let us put makeup on her?"

"Only one way to find out," I whispered back. "Hayley!" Hayley looked up from her toy. "Wanna do makeup?" I asked her. Annie held up her bag to show Hayley what she was talking about. 

"Me first!" Hayley exclaimed, getting up and running towards us, forgetting her toy. I exchanged a quick look with Annie and we giggled. "Of course," I said, "but first we have to ask mommy." Hayley nodded and we went to find mom. 

Mom gave us permission to do Hayley's makeup, as long as it was under her supervision and she could record it for the YouTube channel. We agreed and I went to find Caleb. I found him in our room.

"Me and Annie are putting makeup on Hayley, wanna watch?" I asked from the doorway.

"Are you serious?" he asked.

"Yup. Mom's recording it for YouTube too."

"This should be interesting."

Mom set up the camera and I reminded Annie of what everything was. When mom turned the camera on, Annie said what we were doing and we got straight to the makeup. 

Annie, Caleb and I all did our part in putting makeup on Hayley and she actually behaved well (for once). Annie and I also painted her nails purple and blue, since those are the colors she wanted, and she was pretty good about that too. Annie decided to put a purple flower barrette in her hair. The finished product wasn't too bad.

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