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It was a normal morning. Caleb and I woke up, got dressed, and took turns using our bathroom to get ready, and met the rest of our family upstairs. None of us are really morning people, so as we ate breakfast, we didn't talk as much as we usually would at any other meal, and we weren't in the best mood. Mom vlogged as we ate, but pointed the camera towards Annie and Hayley since Caleb and I didn't like to be recorded eating. Caleb was practically falling asleep again, which made me a bit concerned, but I didn't think much of it at the time.

"I've had a lot of questions about 'who is Bratayley' or 'what is Bratayley,'" mom said while vlogging. "Do we refer to Bratayley as just one person anymore, or is it kinda like the whole channel?" After we didn't answer, she continued, "Anybody? What do you guys think?"

As Annie continued to complain about her knife not working, I answered, "I think it's the whole channel, cause when people say 'Bratayley did this,' they don't mean one of us, they mean all of us." Annie agreed, while Caleb and Hayley just kinda sat there, practically asleep.

"Right," mom said. "I think I refer to Bratayley as all of us, nowadays." Annie and I both agreed, while again, Caleb and Hayley said nothing. I briefly wondered if Caleb had stayed up late again.

"So what do we have to do today?" mom asked, addressing all of us.

"School and gymnastics, and reading and go to bed," Annie said.

"Sounds like an exciting day!" mom replied. Turning to Caleb, she said, "What are your big plans for today?" Caleb just blankly stared, and let his head fall onto the counter.

"I don't know, it kinda looks like he wants to go back to bed," I said.

Talking to the vlog, mom said, "Okay, well we can see that these two aren't morning people." She pointed at Caleb and Hayley. "I guess if you're observant that's what you've probably observed this morning. We got two morning people, and two little kids that would probably sleep all day if I let them."

After mom vlogged a little more, Caleb and I went down to our room and we both went straight to our phones. I scrolled through my notifications to see a text from Luke. I smiled. I really did like that boy.

"Luke again?" Caleb said from across the room.

"Well, yeah, who else would it be?"

He just shook his head and went back upstairs. I texted Luke back and checked all my other notifications before going back up to the kitchen.

The rest of the day consisted of school and gymnastics practice. Katie came home with us, and Annie, Hayley and I hung out with her.

The question of the day was "if you could ask your future self any question, what would it be?"

Katie's answer was "Who would I get married to?", "Would I have any kids?", "Was I in the Olympics?" and "Was I a college gymnast?"

Annie's was "what's my job?" and Hayley's was also "how many kids would I have?"

I struggled to figure out a question, so I just went with "what college would I go to?"

Mom took the camera down to Caleb so he could answer the question of the day and end the vlog.

Time skip to the next evening

I had just gotten home from a great gymnastics practice, Annie was at Katie's for a sleepover, and Hayley was at gymnastics. Dad was getting ready to upload the vlog, mom was resting on the couch, and Caleb and I were in our room. Caleb was sitting at his desk under his bed on his phone, and I was in my bed facetiming Luke. I hadn't even changed out of my leo yet.

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