WK 359.3

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For some reason, jet lag seems to affect me the most out of the whole family. I think it's because I have the most messed up sleeping schedule out of all of us, but I don't know, it's still unfair. So, because of this, I woke up late, and when Mom came into what was now me and Paige's room to wake me up, Annie and Hayley were already up and moving. In fact, they were outside riding their bikes.

I got up and totally ignored my constantly buzzing phone. Instead, I went upstairs and grabbed myself a breakfast sandwich out of the freezer and heated it up in the microwave. I then went outside to see what was going on.

"And she lives!" Dad said when he saw me come outside. I rolled my eyes at him and watched Annie and Hayley for a bit.

"It's cold out here," I said randomly when I finished my sandwich.

"Well yeah, it's November, and you're only wearing a shirt and - are you even wearing pants?"

"No, Dad, I went outside with no pants on," I said sarcastically, lifting my shirt to reveal shorts I used to wear to gymnastics.

"Go inside and put some clothes on."

"Fine, but I'm not guaranteeing that I'll be back!"

I went inside and threw on some sweatpants, a t-shirt and a sweater. After weeks of being in LA and trying to look nice all the time, I needed to be lazy for a while. After brushing out my hair and realizing that today was one of those days when it was going to refuse to look decent, I put it up into a messy bun.

When I went upstairs, my mom said, "You do know we're going to the mall, right?" I groaned and went back to my room.

I exchanged my sweatpants for black leggings and I took my hair down from my bun. It still looked really bad so I decided to ask Annie what she thought I should do with it. I decided to text her to come down to my room since I was too lazy to yell for her.

She arrived in my bathroom not long after.

"You texted?" she asked, walking in.

"Yes, I did. What do think I should do with my hair?" I asked.

"It looks fine the way it is," she answered.

"No it doesn't!" I protested.

Annie sighed. "Fine, put your hair in braids then. That's what I'm doing."


We had picked up Sydney and Ms. Paula in the Tesla and we were going to the movies to see Wonder, and then we were going to do some shopping. That was the plan anyway. However, when we got there, the movie was sold out, so we just went straight to shopping.

Annie, Sydney, and I looked for friendship rings while Hayley and Mom shopped. We finally decided on rings and we left the stores to go get some popcorn, and then we went back home.

Annie, Sydney and I snuck downstairs while Hayley showed the vlog the clothes she bought. We were in my room just on our phones. I was scrolling through my Instagram feed when I saw a post from themusershaderoom.

"Oh. My. God. Um, Annie..."

"It's not his

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"It's not his. It can't be," Annie said. Just then, both of our phones went off. It was Hayden.

Hayden: those pics are NOT mine, I swear

Annie and I both replied with "I believe you." I then commented on the post, "whoever decided to pose as hayden and post this is a sicko😷 much love hayden💜"

Not long after that, we decided to watch some Riverdale. I had already watched all of it, but I don't mind watching it again. We vlogged for a bit and then watched a bit more before Sydney had to leave. Then Annie and I went upstairs to Annie's room and we cleaned out her closet. Again. So Annie and I cleaned out the closet while mom vlogged.

When we were done, mom turned the camera back on and Annie started to take her braids out. We all got a shock when her hair looked like she had gotten a perm.

"Jade, you should take your braids out," Annie said.

"It's probably just gonna be the same as this morning, but okay," I said. I took out my braids and it turned out I was mostly right, except it was a bit neater and curlier than this morning after being in braids all day.


Question of the day time came and all three of us girls were in Annie's room.

"Okay guys, so, the question of the day is, what's your favorite TV show?" we asked the vlog.

"My favorite TV show is, well, does Riverdale count as a TV show" Annie asked.

"It's a Netflix show," Hayley answered.

"No, it's on the CW," I said.

"What's that?" Annie asked jokingly.

"It's a TV station, Annie. Gosh," I said, smiling.

"Well, I'm gonna go with Riverdale or Stranger Things," Annie said.

"I'm gonna say Riverdale because I'm literally obsessed with it," I said.

"So I've noticed," Hayley said. "I'm gonna go with Girl Meets World."

"Okay, so, don't forget to comment down below cause we wanna know, the question of the day isssss: what's your favorite TV show?" we all said in unison and ended the vlog.


I was in my pajamas and ready for bed when my phone went off.

Sydney: I'm coming over again tomorrow, hopefully wonder won't be sold out again

Jade: it shouldn't be. can't wait. night syd ily💓

Sydney: ilyt💜

911 words. not bad. anyway, I hope you enjoyed as I spent a few days on this!

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