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I stood by the front of the place they wanted to meet up...it was still raining and now dark. A red truck pulls up and i smile...its my dudes!

Three people step out a girl with curly black hair, green eyes, and red glossy lips steps out and runs up to me and giving me a big hug and a smooch on the cheek.
The second to run up was a real skinny blonde with gray eyes and a flashy outfit.
The third was a guy he took his time to walk up...he's pretty cool i mean he does know a lot about battle tarantulas which was a wicked card game when we were kids he was always kind of a nerd...he had blue eyes light brown hair spikes up and earnings..

Now the girl with curly hair was named Riley, the skinny girl was named amy and my boy here is named milo...riley tried to pull me inside but i told her there was someone im waiting for she nodded and they all went inside.

After a few minutes i saw a black car pull up and out stepped wicked buster himself....he had a lot more piercings then i remember mainly on his ears...

He walked up and almost walked past me "yo wicked where are you going?..not even gonna say hello, huh?"

He stops and looks at me pulling his shades down showing piercing yellow eyes. I gave him a strange look "sorry didn't really recognize you...cus well...the elf ears remember".

"Yeah uh...hah sorry...next time ill remember" he smiles and opens the door i walk in.
"Sorry if i scared ya...i uh..put eye contacts in..."
I shrugged "really i didn't even notice" i found where my friends were sitting and sat down with them making a spot next to me for mr wicked to sit...they all looked at him and then me...riley was the only one too speak.
"Whose this?" she looked at me a little smile crawling on her face.
"Well remember when i wad really upset and got real pissed when that wand i bought didn't work and i tired to throw it off the bridge..this was the dude who stopped me for some odd reason...and he found me on spuid shit...so he wanted to meet up and now we are here"

Amy didn't say anything and milo drank some pop silently.
I turned to wicked and kind of just stared at him for a moment before i decided to ask him his name.
"Oh...my name...well heh...i mean i would tell you but..uh id prefer you to just call me wicked for right now.." he rubbed the back of his neck.
Amy scoffed and stood up...amy kind...is a bit stuck up and if a guy isn't paying attention to her anorexic-self....
Milo followed her saying sorry...riley stayed though because she loved me and i knew it..i kind of always knew she liked me. She smiled at wicked. "Well wicked...if your a friend of ally your a friend of mine!" she stood up and walked around the table giving him a hug he laughs and squeezed her right back smiling...they were adorable.

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