should i leave

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I woke up in a cold sweat and looked around the room shaking everything seemed darker then it should be i looked at the alarm clock and saw that it was nine pm...i climbed out of bed rubbing my arms.
Opening the door i took a step out riley was curled up with wicked's dad asleep. I walked around the house looking for wicked but he was no where to be found. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a glass and turned on the tap starring at the water fill my glass nodding out of reality into sleep almost. I hand grabbed my shoulder and i threw the glass in the air turning around punching the person who touched me.
Wicked stumbled back rubbing his face laughing a bit.
"Dang ally...why are you so jumpy today?"
"Oh my so so sorry...i didn't...i wasn't thinking..and i ha-had a bad dream heads been a little wonky today..." he smiles and i just stare at him with a frightened look.

"Ya wanna talk about your dream?" he pats my head as he says that making me feel like a child.
I swat his hand away and turn towards the front door "i'm going home."

He rushes up to me turning me around "no you can't, its raining and dark out."
"I'll be fine" i said in a depressing tone.
"What about that crappy car just by hearing the sound of need to be repaired"

I shrug " i really need to go home dude"

"Could you at least tell me about your dream...?" he grips my shoulders and makes a sad puppy face. I sigh.
"Yeah but then im going home..."

He nodes and pulls me to the dinging room. We sit down and i rub my temples "why are you so like...why do...what's the big deal why do you wanna know about my dream..."
He shrugs "its like a part of learning hearing your dream i can process what it is about and then tell you in a much more explained way" he smiles
"Oh...okay?" i yawn and he sits on the edge of his seat.

I tell him about the field and such...but then i got to that creature he looked a little worried.
"Wait..what it look like?" he clenched his fist.
"Like a black bear i think...but with like dangler fish teeth and like spier eye-"
He cuts me off "oh no" he whispered.

"What's wron-"he cut me off again.

"You need to leave now. Both you and riley you guys need to leave."
I stand up.
"Okay?-" he starts to push me to the door.

"Get out now!" i rush pulling Riley from the couch waking her up along with wickeds dad he looks at me and then at wicked witha  weird confused look as wicked yelled and pushed us out of the house.
He slams the door and i can hear it lock from the outside. There are loud crashes and more yelling.

"The fuck did you do?" riley laughed slightly.

"...i have no idea"

I drove riley home still really confused as to what was still raining and thundering too.

I looked at the clock it was almost one in the morning i sighed as i pulled into my drive.

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