hell ,why not.

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So...to be honest after that night me and wicked only really texted mainly like how both of us were doing and such but...like we never really hanged out...i sat at my computer scrolling through old photos when i heard my LidSquid squeal.

It was wicked i smiled a bit mainly because it was a group chat and ive never been invited to a group chat in awhile...
I opened it and saw he had invited riley!

Wb invited you to a group chat!

PizzaLover69 has joined chat!

Pl: HAYYYYYY!! Omg like wussup!

Al: not much...im probs gonna take a nap.

Pl: okay, same.

Wb: okay good since you both are not busy how about you come to the dump!

Al: wth?


Pl: like right now!?

Wb: 👍  yup

Pl is not active!

Al is not active!

I got up and grabbed the keys from my coat and walked into the hall way and out to the car.

Soon i stopped at the garbo dump...well i saw Riley's car and parked next to her i stepped out and walked around. Finally i found them sitting on a car with some guy holding a gun.

Riley saw me and screamed "ALLYYYY!!"
I smiled awkwardly...who the hell is this well fit man doing in a dump holding a mother fucking gun!? Even more fucking messed up ans Riley's all up and cuddling this dude which is making me go nuts...
Anyways i looked at wicked and pulled him off the truck. "Excuse me for one moment guys," i pull him to my car and glare at him like an angry mom...
"Who. The hell. Is that guy!?," i tug on his jacket

He sweats and grins dropping his cig. "Hay, hay, chill alien girl," he laughs nervously "its my dad...he...uh wanted to me you and riley so i...uh he," i cut him off.
"He  invited himself huh?," i glare at him as he nods yes..
"Okay then...second question what with the fucking gun!?"
He shakes his head " its a bb gun girly" he smiles and glances over my shoulder.
"Why are you acting so fucked up today dude." i say still fuming with anger.

"Okay your going to have to do me a huge solid!" he says rubbing his neck and face palming.

"Um...okay tell me so i can say no" he looks up at me his shades falling still those damn piss yellow eyes starring back at me a slight blush crossed his face.

He mumbles something.
"I can't hear you worm speak up" i cross my arms still glaring but getting less angry.

Like glass break i gave him a face that said both what the hell and fuck no.

"I said you just have to pretend we don't have to kiss or fuck in front of him we just have to pretend and shit!" he clasps his hands together begging me.

I rolled my eyes and and sighed "fine..."
He smiled and pushed up his glasses "okay thank you!"

"Oh when i figure out what i want in return for this your going to be crying like a mother fucking baby" he shrugs and grabs my hand yanking me back to his father.

Riley threw an ice cube in the air and wicked's dad shot it breaking it into pieces.
He slapped a big hand onto wicked's back and handed him the bb gun and pointed at a can on a car. Wicked shot it and tried to hand it to me...i shook my head and sat up on the car with them.
Riley slurped her drink noisily as we all sat quiet...but finally wicked's dad spoke up.
"Sooo...wicke" he nudges him "you and ally eve-" wicked cuts him off.

"Dad we are not starting this shit again! Remember what mom said!"  his dad laughs and riley slowly looks at me. My face heats up and i look away looking around whistling.

"Allllyyy?!?" she gets off the car and rushes over to me with a big grin.

I push her away "dont you dare start either" she makes a box with her figures and looks at me and wicked through it.
"SHIP! Nyeheheh!!" her laugh made me cringe and i punched wicked in the arm. His dad laughed.

This is going to be a long day...

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