For once in my life id actually like an answer to why i was put on earth...why would someone say that a man made me for a reason that some random guy above my head made me this...this type of person for a reason!?...i don't believe in magic or god parents let me decide what i wanted and who i wanted to be so.....lets just start off here.
I lay sprawled out on my bed staring up at my fan as it swirled around and around making a squeak with every turn. I heard the clock on my wall tick and the buzz of my computer and phone. I never cared about school and when i tried i knew i would fail and if i got something wrong i made something up.
I closed my eyes and stared at nothing...sometimes i wish i could just disappear just for a second that's all i wanted...and even if i was gone i would like to see other things. Like maybe a forest on fire or something weird...
I slowly sat up and rubbed my head staring into the mirror a crossed propped on the wall i studded my face...freckles, pink bobbed hair, and brown eyes with rounded glasses....thinking about it, it kind of bothers me when people say i'm pretty...its like saying a fat girls skinny. You just don't do it.I looked around my room...i really need to clean. I stood up and stretched cracking my back as i stepped over piles of dirty clothes and stuffed animals. I had a few posters on my wall but i never really cared about them its mainly stupid shows and anime shit that i need to get rid of...
As i sat at my computer desk i knock over a girly pink wand that i used to play with...but im over it...i remember i got really anger one day because i was trying to make a wish and when it didn't come true i tried to throw it off a bridge near my house...I logged into my computer and got on an app i used way too much...LidSquid! I made a lot of friends there...but we never really talk much we used to send memes and such but i don't know i guess its getting old and a lot of people have moved on...
I see i have a friend request but as soon as i went to see who it was my mom called me down stairs.
I stood up "coming!!".