Follow Your Heart (Legolas Greenleaf) Vanya's Memorial

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As I stood inside my sister's room, I couldnt smile but smile sadly as I gaze up to her picture on the wall.

I was now prepared. Dressed in my traning outfit, equiped with my daggers and bow, and packed for the quest.

I held my morning star necklace that hungs around my neck. For Arwen holds the evening star, I on the other hand holds the morning star. While Vanya had the tiara of Venus. Which is being kept safe by father.

"Guide us sister. Look after us from there" I whispered silently. Hoping Vanya can hear me.

"Seler(sister)..." A soft voice called out.

I turn around and smile as I saw my beloved sister Arwen. I couldnt help but notice the sadness her eyes holds.

Suddenly she run towards me and engulf me with a hug. Which I return. She pull away and examine my face.

"You are leaving..." She stated sadly as tears were forming in here eye.

I smile sadly at her and place a hand on her cheek.

"I will always be with you sister. Wherever may I be. I will still be here with you and father" I said as I gave her a peck on the cheek.

"Your evenstar..." I started as I gaze down at her neck.

"I gave it to the one I love" she answered me back.

"You have choosen..."

"A mortal life..." She finished as she smile at me.

I smile back at her. Even though I felt worried about her. She have given up on her immortal life for Aragorn.

"I am happy for you sister." I said as I can see relief wash over her. I may have given her my blessing. But I know father would not.

"Thank you sister. I wish someday you would find love aswell." She hoped as her eyes falls down to my morning star necklase.

"Do not fret sister. For I have much time to wait for the one I am destined with" i assured as an image of Legolas flashes in my mind. Causing me to crack a smile.

"The Prince of Mirkwood..." She begun. I could see the amusement in her eyes.

"What of him?"

"He is very fond of you. As you are to him" she answered with a smile. I couldnt help but chuckle.

"You are very amusing sister..." I said clearly enjoying her accusiations at me.

"I hope he will have more luck than Haldir did" she said as I smile remembering the elf captain.

"Haldir is a great elf but not the one for me" I answered her honestly. Causing her to laugh.

We kept on talk and laughing at eachothers words. This will be my last chance to talk and enjoy my sister's company for I do not know if I shall return from this quest.

Our conversation ended as my father walks in the room. Arwen eyed me worriedly before leaving. Giving me and my father a moment.

"This is not your fate" he began.

"It is father" I argue back with a soft voice. I shouldnt be hard on him. For he is only worried at me.

I can see the tears building on my father's eyes as he holds them back.

"Please father. I have foreseen some parts of my future and it involves this quest" I pleaded as I neared him.

"I lost your sister's life for the same reason my child. I do not wish to lose you or Arwen aswell" I couldnt reply as I eyed on my father sadly.

Until now, he mourns for my sister's death. "Father..." I whispered as I cup his face.

"You will have to trust me." I said to him as he eyed me with so much love.

"I will let you go Ellethwen. But you must promise me you will sail to the undying lands of valinor after this" my eyes widens at his demand.

"Arwen will go aswell." He added. Arwen? Why would she? What about Aragorn? She made no mention of this.

"Father i cannot promise you that. For I have not decided yet." His gaze hardens.

"I will not lose you Ellethwen" he pressed on. I took a step back and eyed at my father sorrowfully.

"I am sorry father but I cannot promise you that. For I am not wasting my immortal life for nothing" i said sternly ast him.

His eyes are filled with sorrow and grief as he gaze at me. I cannot blame him for what he is going through. My father is scared. Scared of losing us.

"You are as stubborn as your sister" he lets out sadly. But I smile at him

"My fate is not the same as her." I whispered as I place a hand on his cheek making him face me.

His eyes held unshed tears. He closes his eyes and hold my hand that was placed on his cheek.

"Have fate in me father" I pleaded as he kisses my hand.

"I alway have my daughter" he answered with a sad smile.

Follow Your Heart (Legolas Greenleaf) EllethwenWhere stories live. Discover now