4. Favourite Disney Movie

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Shawn: Finding Nemo

This has always been yours and Shawn's favourite movie. Whenever you two have a lazy day at home it is spent cuddling and watching Finding Nemo.

Aaron: The Incredibles

Aaron is your superhero, always doing anything he can to protect you and keep you happy. In your eyes, he is incredible.

Cameron: Monsters Inc

There isn't really a specific reason this is yours and Cam's favourite movie. You both just think it is hilarious and always get a laugh out of watching it together.

Jack J: Toy Story 2

Both you and Jack love all of the Toy Story movies, but the second one is your favourite to watch together. There is no real reason, just that the movie always makes you smile. And it's Jack's favourite because of that.

Taylor: Cool Runnings

When Taylor told you that he has never seen this movie before, you just had to make him watch it. The classic movie of the Jamaican bobsled team had him cracking up. You don't really like the movie that much, but you love to watch him enjoy himself.

Carter: High School Musical

Even though he doesn't like to admit it, he knows every single song to all three of the movies. The first one is the best because you guys started a tradition to watch it every Christmas and he like being the Troy to your Gabriella.

Nash: Cinderella

You both dislike the movie, but you watch it anyway because his sister Skylynn always interrupts your movie dates and she loves the movie. You just love that he will sit through a movie just for his sister.

Matt: The Little Mermaid

Ariel is Matt's fictional crush. He tells you how much the mermaid reminds him of you because of you beautiful voice and how clumsy you are with two feet.

Jack G: Freaky Friday

You guys like to reminiscence on the days when Lindsay Lohan wasn't a train wreck. You both loved her in other movies, but this was his favourite because she played a bad ass teenager that he secretly wishes you to be like.

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