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I have two weeks left in Matlin Falls, and it's kind of hard to believe. We shot through a huge chunk of scenes over the last couple of weeks since we saw Finn and Olivia together and being isolated from all of the distractions outside of the little bubble that is the set, has made it easier than ever to focus on what we came here to do. Grandma called me first thing and told me about how her condition is worsening and I managed to convince Ethan to give me the evening off. Which considering the amount of work we've all put in recently, he was more than happy to grant me.

"Are you sure you want to go alone?" Liam's question pulls me out of my thoughts and I look up at him from tying my shoelaces. I think about his offer and while it's tempting, I don't know when or even if, I'll get to see her again and I need the time to talk to her alone. So, with a deep breath I shake my head.

"It's okay, honestly, I'll be fine. I won't be long, and I think Alex is getting jealous of the fact that I've stolen his best friend away." He laughs to himself. My fingers pause on my laces as I watch how the setting sun shines through his hair and my heart soars at how beautiful he looks in the moment. He catches me watching him and a shy smile grows on his lips and we just share a stolen moment with one another.

Then he interrupts the moment, "have you spoken to Finn at all, since, you know everything?" His question throws me off. After everything that has happened and all the progress we've made in working on our relationship, he is still concerned about my desire to patch things up with Finn. My heart is so full of love for this man in front of me and I am so stunned by his concern that I don't know how to react.

"Uh - no, I haven't. I just don't want to risk something else happening but my sisters were saying that we could meet at my old house to just explain everything." Speaking the truth to him without fear of retribution makes me feel weightless. The pure feeling of being able to confide so completely in someone is something I couldn't be more grateful for. Liam is so patient and understanding with me and small moments and comments like this make me question what I did in a past life to deserve someone like him.

When I was with Finn, I felt the same level of trust but I was always worried about his social status at school. I never resented him for it but I knew other girls lusted after him. But with Liam, I can tell I don't need to have that fear. Even though he's loved by more people than Finn, I have no worry that his social status or position will ever affect the future of our relationship.

"I think you should at least talk to him and clear the air. Just, remind him that, you know, you're still spoken for?" I can't help but to let out a small laugh at his insecure statement and I stand to take his hands in mine. His eyes never leave mine and my smile never slips from my face.

"You've got nothing to worry about. Everything will be fine, I'll see you later!" I peck his lips briefly before waltzing out of the trailer. Wrapped up in a thick cardigan, I can finally appreciate Matlin Falls' rustic beauty as I walk to my car. From the way the sunlight dapples through the leaves onto the ground. The whole space is golden and despite the cold, the sight of such a beautiful and familiar landscape makes me feel warm inside.

The leaves crunch beneath my feet until I'm inside my car and driving to the sadly all too familiar hospital. I slipped on Selena's wig once again as I was getting ready and so the receptionist waves me through without even asking me to sign in. The entire walk up to Grandma's room, my mind is running a mile a minute; terrified of what I'm going to see when I walk into her room and also more confused than ever by Liam's statement about how to deal with Finn. But before I can think about it too much, I'm stood in front of the closed door leading into Grandma's room. My hand shakes as I knock.

"Come in." I barely hear her response. My stomach drops at the fact but I push forward anyway. The sight I am greeted with makes my already sunken stomach pretty much fall out my ass. Grandma is hooked up to even more machines and drips than I've ever seen. I can barely see her through the mess of tubes across her body, "oh, Salem, I'm so glad you could come."

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