Ro'Meave Brothers X Sibling!Reader - Love is still love (part 2)

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I was doing my homework with my headphones on when my door shattered into a million pieces.
"GARROTH!!" I shouted as I looked at my oldest brother, taking off my headphones.
"Sorry, I got worries when you didn't answer"
"You could just have opened the door like a normal person!" He smiled sheepishly but than shook his head.
"Anyways, you have a guest! I didnt know you knew Phoenix" He smiles and I slapped my forehead. I'd completely forgotten that I was gonna meet her today.
"Crap, is she mad?" I was after all ten minutes late. He shook his head as he watched me gather my things and follows me downstairs.
"I'm so sorry, I was busy with homework and forgot the time" I hurried to put on my shoes.
"It's fine, homework do come first" she giggles and we head out.

"How's it like? Living with three older brothers?" We had taken a break, sitting in a cafe in the mall.
"Oh, well, it's always fun and loud, even if Zane and Garroth does fight a lot" I smile and sip on my drink.
"Lucky, my brothers are never home" she pouts and I give her a small smile. We talked about our families a lot, since we both felt like we didn't really fit in.
"So, (Y/N), have anyone you like?" Phoenix asked, taking a sip from her soda. I turned bright red as I thought of three very special guys.
"Pfft, haha, no why would you ask that?" I laughed of nervously. She just raised an eyebrow at me.
"What about you? Do you have anyone you like?" She almost choked on her drink, turning bright red.
"O-of course not!" She coughs and I laugh softly.
"Well that's an obvious lie, it's Laurance~" she glared at me and I just laughed harder.

Phoenix had walked me home before running of to meet her best friend.
"I'm home" I shout and imminently got tackled to the floor. I give out a girlish shreak as I fall with arms wrapped around me.
I look up to see who had tackled me and blushed softly when I noticed it was Garroth.
"(Y/N)! I was so worried, it was getting late and you were still gone" he sniffed and hugged me tighter.
"Get off them, you'll squeeze them to death" Zane snapped sharply and pulled Garroth of me. I sat up and took a deep breath.
"Garroth, it's only four pm, stop overreacting!" I huff and roll my eyes.
"Well, that's the way he is" Vylad comes up to me and pulls me up and then giving me a hug.
"Welcome back, did you guys have fun?" I nod softly and hug him back, blushing a bit as I felt his arms around my waist.
"I want a hug too!" Garroth hugged me from behind, burying his face in my neck, making me blush even more.
"You join as well Zane!" Vylad chipped up.
"I don't do hugs" he said with a bored tone.
"Don't be like that, come here and hug your siblings!" Garroth pulled Zane towards us, the three boys creating a circle around me.
I could feel the heat in my face spike, I had the three people I love the most hugging me in an more intimate way than before. Vylads arms are around my neck, Garroths are around my waist and Zanes are right under my chest. I blushed so bad I almost overheated myself.
They finally lets go off me and I'm not sure whether to run away or fall to the floor, I do the first and run into my room. I slammed my new door shut and sank to the floor, a blushing mess.
'I can't believe I'm in love with my brothers...' I thought to myself, hiding my face in my hands.
'What am I going to do?' I thought hopelessly.
My phone vibrated and I look, I'd gotten a text from Phoenix.

From: Phoenix
To: (Y/N)

Just so you know, it's not Laurance I like...

I laughed softly before rolling my eyes. So I tell her about my feelings? She's the only friend I have.

To: Phoenix
From: (Y/N)

Phoenix, I think I'm in love with... my brothers...

I blushed madly as I hit send. It took a while before I got a response.

From: Phoenix
To: (Y/N)

It's pretty normal, I mean, you aren't technically related to them so I can understand that you would feel that way.
Do you know if they feel the same way? And if they do, are they willing to share?

I felt a wave of relief when I read the text, glad that I didn't loose my only friend. I thought about what she said, there wouldn't be a problem between Vylad and Garroth, the problem would be between Garroth and Zane.
I shuddered at the thought off them trying to fight over whom I loved more.

To: Phoenix
From: (Y/N)

I don't know and it's not like I can ask them either. Why can't I just fall in love with a guy outside the family? Like Dante or Travis...

From: Phoenix
To: (Y/N)

Sometimes love just happen, we can't control who we love. As crazy as it may seem, you should talk to them but not to direkt if you aren't sure what to do just yet.

To: Phoenix
From: (Y/N)

Thanks Phoenix, you're a really good friend!
And good luck with Laurence!

From: Phoenix
To: (Y/N)


I laughed to myself, it was kinda funny to tease her about this crush thing. I needed to talk with one of them at least, but who? They're my brothers so of course they are gonna listen to me but who's the most understanding.

I got up and walked over to Vylads room, softly knocking on his door.
I heard a muffled answer and I walked in, closing the door behind me.
"(Y/N), is something wrong? You look really pale" he was sitting on his bed, reading a book. I crawled into his bed and sat next to him, put my face on his shoulder and feeling his arm around my waist.
"What's wrong?" He kissed the top of my head and I sighed softly.
"I like three people but I'm not sure if any of them likes me back" I spoke softly as I felt him stiffen for a second.
"Oh? Do I know these people?"
"Well, anyone would be lucky to have you but it's to bad they can't" he pulled me closer to him and I could hear an annoyance in his voice. He put his book on his nightstand and layed his full attention to me.
"W-what?" I blushed softly as I looked up at him.
"Zane, Garroth and I aren't gonna let anyone have our sweet little sibling, not as long as you have us" he stated. Without any warning he leaned down and kissed me, pulling me closer then you thought was possible. I let my eyes close and slowly kissing him back.
"VYLAD, YOU'RE SO DEAD!" Zane and Garroth stormed in.
Oh fuck


And that's the end of part 2~ and yes there's gonna be a part 3, don't worry

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