Chapter 2 Still Not Liking It

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No One's POV

It was a couple weeks into the school year and Harry still didn't like it at Hogwarts but he tried for his Uncle Remus and for Lindsay. He was sitting by the Black Lake when he heard a voice.

" What do you mean we're not actually friends," a girl asked.

The girl sounded a heck of a lot like Lindsay's friend Ginny. Then Harry realized it was Ginny.

" You honestly thought we'd be friends with you? You're nothing but a freak," a girl with blonde hair said.

" Hey," Harry yelled as he stood up and walked over to the group of girls that were picking on Ginny.

The girls looked at Harry.

" This isn't any of your business," the blonde said.

" I think it is. You're picking on one of my little sister's friends," Harry said.

" I doubt she cares," a brunette said.

" Oh I do care," a voice said.

Harry looked and saw Lindsay and Luna Lovegood, one of Lindsay's other friends.

" Nice timing little sis," Harry said.

" Well, thank you big bro," Lindsay said as her and Luna stood by Harry and Ginny.

" Well. Well. Well. If it isn't Ginny's hero," the blonde girl said and the group of girls giggled.

" I thought I told you to back off," Lindsay said.

" Why should I listen to you," the blonde asked.

" You know the laws as well as I do Janette so back off," Lindsay said.

" This isn't over," Janette said.

" It is over. Ginny has a family that cares for her. Her family may not have a lot of money but they know what is truly important," Harry said.

" And what would that be," Janette asked.

" Family," Luna, Harry, and Lindsay said together.

" Yeah whatever. See you later losers," Janette said before walking of with the group of girls.

" Janette is such a...... a....... a.........," Lindsay said.

" An evil witch," Harry asked.

" That's better wording than what I was going to use," Lindsay said.

" I know. I better get going," Harry said as he started walking away.

" Wait," Ginny yelled.

Harry turned to face the three girls.

" Thank you," Ginny said.

Harry nodded before continuing to walk away.

" You need to step out of your comfort zone sooner or later," Lindsay thought to Harry.

" I know and I might just not today," Harry thought back.

Lindsay watched her brother as he walked back to the castle. She remembered how he gained and lost friends when he was younger. She didn't have that problem when she was younger. Her dance classes never interfered with the full moon. Her singing and music lessons didn't interfere either. Lindsay was determined that Harry could make friends at Hogwarts and she would help.


Will Lindsay succeed?

What laws were Lindsay talking about?

Who else will we meet?

What will happen next?

Ok I know it's short but I have school.

I latterly thought I wouldn't be able to update cause there was a fire in my house. My laptop survived so I have it now. I'll try and update as fast as I can.

This chapter is 513 words long in total.

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- GinnyWeasleyRules

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