Chapter 11 True Love Breaks the Heart

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Lindsay's POV

I was sitting by the lake with Ginny, Jossie, Harry, Eathan, Neville, Hermione, and Luna. Ron was there too but that was because he thought Harry was dangerous. This was because of a little mishap cause Ron tried to wake Harry up while he was resting. Harry pinned Ron to the ground as a reaction. I told Ron not to wake Harry up cause I know how Harry is after a transformation.

Nathan still glares at Eathan and me. But hey it's Sunday. We were all talking. When we got hungry so I called for Dobby and asked him if he could bring us a picnic lunch. He did and we ate.

While we ate Nathan walked to us.

" What do you want Nathan," I asked.

" I want to talk to you," he said.

He looked at the others.

" Alone," he said.

I nodded and walked off with him.

" What do you want," I asked him.

" I want you back," he said.

I did want him back but he'd broken my heart. I decided I was going to let my thing with Eathan keep going just to spite Nathan. Eathan and I aren't really dating and Eathan knows that.

" Well, I'm with Eathan," I said.

" Why are you with him," he asked sounding slightly angry.

" Because you and I are on a break from our relationship," I said.

" But I love you," he said.

I could feel my anger rising.

" Didn't look like that when you were kissing that one girl," I said.

" It was a mistake," he said.

" Yeah right. You were trying to spite me because of Eathan," I said.

" He's dangerous," Nathan nearly yelled.

" No you were just seeing him as a threat," I said.

" I was trying to protect you," Nathan shouted.

" I don't need protection! I can take care of myself! I already have an overprotective brother and overprotective godfather I didn't need an overprotective boyfriend," I shout.

I was pretty sure you I saw Nathan's veins turn black and his eyes turn yellow. I couldn't be sure because I was so angry.


He ran off. I growled in frustration and stormed off back to the others. Harry saw me and immediately changed his clothes and my clothes into our work out clothes. He stood up ready to take the blows. He knows I have the highest rankings in pretty much all of the martial arts.

I also taught Harry the moves I learned in my martial arts classes. We are evenly matched. I throw the first punch. The fight was on now. Harry and I kept throwing kicks and punches at each other.

I finally pinned him to the ground. Harry and I were breathing heavily but mine was heavier than Harry's because of my added anger. I could feel the eyes of everyone else on us. Harry reached a hand up and ran his fingers through my hair but I didn't let my guard down. I was feeling better but now I'm a little sore. Throwing punches and kicks is one of the I release my anger and the other way is to rant. I don't really put hexing someone in my release anger but sometimes firing spells at something helps.

" Are you feeling better sis," Harry asked.

I nodded as I didn't trust my voice.

" What the bloody hell was that," Ron askedsounding scared of me.

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