Two Years of Their Lives

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After wasting about two hours at the restaurant with the boys, Kyara and Emma finally returned home to an attention deprived Jaden. To make up for the lack of affection given to him that day, the girls cuddled up on the couch with him and watched The Notebook.

By the end, Kyara was the only one who hadn't shed a single tear. Emma was a sobbing mess, and Jaden just let a few tears slide quietly down his cheeks while trying to look manly. Looking at her two emotional best friends, Kyara rolled her eyes and pried herself out of Jaden's grip.

"You guys are weird and I'm going to bed." That was when Jaden decided to grip her left thigh tightly, making Kyara yelp at the stinging sensation. Instantly the two others were staring at her with narrowed eyes. "Gotta go..." Kyara stood up and tried making her way to her own room. That is, until she heard Emma's battle cry from the couch.

"Grab her!" Jaden and Emma both tackled Kyara to the ground, making her scream bloody murder. Thank god the apartment was sound proof.

"Letgoletgoletgoletgoletgo!" Kyara squirmed under her friends while Emma set to work ripping the legs of her jeans. Those were expensive, too. Just as Emma was about to expose the skin in the middle of Kyara's thigh, the girl's phone rang from the back of her shredded jeans.

Everyone instantly froze, no one really knowing what to do. So Kyara took the lead and scrambled away from the others to the safety of her room to answer the phone. Jaden said the only thing that could sum up the situation at hand.

"Fuckles..." Jaden grumbled and stood back up from the ground, helping up Emma when he was steady. The two could hear Kyara from inside her room, talking in a serious voice. This made them glance back and forth with each other nervously.

Kyara was hardly ever serious on the phone, usually her conversations never lasted more than five minutes. So Emma was really panicking when she was in there talking for almost half an hour. When she hung up Emma could hear her say something that sounded like "Yes, Sir. Goodbye, Sir".

Jaden and Emma sat on the couch waiting for Kyara to come out like good little puppies. After a few seconds of silence, she finally made an appearance. She looked upset and just generally done with everything.

"Pack your bags. Management needs us in London by tomorrow, we're getting on a flight in two hours. Grab anything you might need, because we don't know how long we'll be there. Emma bring something fancy because we have an important meeting with the head of management as soon as we touch down." Kyara rubbed her temple in attempt to make the headache that was forming ebb away.

Emma and Jaden just stared blankly at her like she was speaking Japanese. Finally after about two minutes of the dead eyed stares, Emma spoke up.

"What?" Wasn't she brilliant?

"Pack your bags! We're leaving in 20 minutes! Go!" Kyara slipped back inside of her own room while Emma and Jaden both bolted into action.

By the time Greg literally just walked into the apartment, Jaden was sitting on Emma's suitcase so she could zip it while Kyara stood impatiently in the doorway.

"Hey, Greg. You know what's going on?" Kyara smiled halfheartedly as he took her small bag from her hands. Just then Emma managed to zip it the final two inches.

"There's rumors of a merger, but I'm not sure who it would be with. Soaring would have to have you guys be there to sign off on a new contract if that was the case. There's been talk of John Soaring going bankrupt. Not a very good management head if you ask me." Greg huffed, grabbing Emma's bag before she could protest.

Greg looked from Jaden to Kyara a little hesitantly, not knowing if he was invited on the field trip.

"He's our groupie. He's coming." Kyara wrapped herself around Jaden's legs so he wouldn't be forced to leave. Greg nodded and sighed, knowing he couldn't say no to Koala Kyara.

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