The Beginning of the End

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Kyara had cracked.

It wasn't one of those small little chips in the glass. It was those earth shattering cracks that no one really saw coming. The worst part was no one knew the cause of the shattering.

But that's more like the end of the end. What's a story without a beginning?


"You're joking." Kyara huffed while her jaw dropped. She was sat across the table from the head of Modest! Management and next to Emma. The girl looked about as astonished as she felt.

"Deadly serious, I'm afraid." The executive leaned his elbows on the table with a small grin. "We've decided that it would be best if you two were the opening act for One Direction's Here We Go Again stadium world tour."

The air wooshed out of Kyara's lungs much like they had the first time the guy had said it. Emma started squealing. It started low and quiet but gradually got louder and higher until she was bouncing up and down in her chair.

"We'll be sending you all over the world and you get to perform for thousands of people at each show. You'll be paid double what you're getting now, and you'll stay in the same accommodations as the main act. Emma will even be allowed to bunk with Niall at the hotels."

"Is this like a sure thing...?" Kyara didn't want to get their hopes up if it wasn't a deal. She couldn't stand to see Emma's heart get crushed.

"Absolutely. You'll be off to Sydney in a month. Now, I really would like to stay and chat, but the boys are just about to announce the tour to the public." Kyara and Emma sat there for a few seconds, nodding and smiling. The executive looked at them expectantly and Emma looked back in confusion. Another few seconds and they were both scrambling out of their seats and trying to get to the door.

"We're going to Australia!!!" Emma hopped up and down as she squealed.

"Correction, we're going all over the fucking world!" Kyara jumped on Emma's back and they galloped outside to where Greg was waiting for them with a smile. The little shit had probably known the news for months and just didn't tell them. Now that she thought about it, Zayn had probably known for a while as well. She was going to skin him alive for not telling her sooner.

"Hey, ladies. One car home or two?" Greg hugged Kyara tightly like the proud father she never had.


"Two" Kyara said over Emma, already headed to the other car. She only got a few feet before Emma latched onto the back of her collar, causing her to almost comically stop in her tracks.

"Why two? Where have you been off to every night lately?" Emma crossed her arms while Kyara looked like a deer caught in headlights. Her mind was basically a mantra of 'OHSHITOHSHITOHSHIT'.

"Um... I've been sleeping at Lou's house for a while." She shrugged nonchalantly, picking at her nails with pursed lips.

"Really? Because I went over there last night to sleep and I didn't see you." Emma had caught her in a lie, and she was going down hard.

" I was..." Emma looked at her for an answer, and it had to be a good one. "I was smoking weed with Mikey!"

"Bullshit!" Emma coughed into her elbow. "Stop lying. I thought we were honest with each other?"

Yeah, that sorta ended about five years ago...

"You know I wouldn't lie if it was important. If you needed to know, I would tell you." Kyara had a pleading gone in her voice now.

"And there's no way you're gunna tell me?" Emma's pale blue eyes burnt holes in Kyara skull as she shook her head with downcast irises. "Fine. Take two cars. Talk to me when you decide to tell the truth."

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