chapter 12

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  three months later.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ella's pov

Three months have passed sence Elaine died. She was pronounced dead at the scene. At the time I didn't now what her plan was but I did eventually figure it out. Her plan was to save me. To let me live. And for that I will forever in dept and I will be forever grateful too. Today is her funeral. The reason why we had it so late is because I didn't want this to be rushed where the person dies and the next week you have a funeral. I wanted this funeral to really mean something. It was going to be a small funeral only twenty people at the most. She was the only family I had left so I took it straight to the heart. The one person I had left had to be taken aways from me by an evil cruel peron who I hope dies in a slow painful way. The only person who could understand what I was going through is Niall. I still couldn't believe after these four months with me he stiill didn't leave me. I surprised because if I was was him I would have been gone. But he stayed and I can't love him anymore for that. I slept in his bed every nite. He confronted me everyday scared that I would shut everyone out but I couldn't and I wouldn't. The boys don't deserve that. Bridget doesn't either.  She has been my best friend and she has been their for me every day.  She would come by almost everyday to make sure I was okay. I am so grateful for all the care I have been given but it's time for me to move on. And that what I'm going to do. The boys, Bridget and I go to Elaine's funeral and their are about 19 people their. I wanted it to be a short yet sentimental funeral. About an hour passed and everyone had said their speeches and goodbyes at the chuch. I Decided to do mines at the

Cemetery .  . They started digging and soon enough her kasket was in the gound but they didn't close her door yet. I asked every one to leave but Niall. He kneeled down with me.

"Elaine all a want to say is thank you. Thank you for telling me the truth.

Thank you for warning me.

Thank you for loving me when I thought know one did.

And lastly thank you for giving your life for me.  Because you didn't have to. You choose to which is something I'll never forget. Your cancer was gone, you had another chance but you gave it to me. You gave me the chance to live and I thought I would never have again but you gave it to me. And for that you will always be in my remembers, my prays,  and my heart.

You truly are wonderful in the heart, and your soul. Elaine I could sit here and talk to you everyday. Even though you'll never respond back you 'll help some kind of way. Elaine I truly, truly love you. Goodbye Elaine rest in peace".

I got up and took Niall with me. I didn't look back to see the people closing her kaset door because I know I would end up going back there and throwing a fit. The boys and I went back to the bus. I go straight to my bunk and get my computer. I look up Columbia University. It comes up with a picture and a long article about the school. I graduated from high school when I was sixteen because I was really smat and I took my exams early and passed. I  didn't want the whole school knowing my business so I justed asked the school for my diploma and left. Thats was the only way cathy would let me try out for xfactor. She always wanted me to go to college and get a good education. And that's what I'm going to do. Yes, I love my life right now no matter what happens. Every thing happens for a reason. But when all the fame is gone what do I have left? money? Yeah sure i'll probably have plenty of money but I want to be know for going to college, having a good education, not turning out an alcoholic or an druggie. Not  only am I doing this for me I am doing this for cathy to. We had a deal if I make it big and famous and I have enough money to go to college i have to go. She didn't say when but I know she doesn't want me to wait till I'm fithy. I thought enough about this.

I am going to get an education.

I am going to be know for something else than just siging and dating Niall horan.

I am going to make cathy and elaine proud.

I am going to college.

I looked through my suit case to find one of the resamays my high school gave me. I got a pen and wrote till I could write anymore. I reread and reread it just to make sure it was perfect. And when I was sure it was I sent it to Columbia University.

Two weeks later

Two weeks had passed and I finally got an letter back from Columbia University.

Dear Ms. Gardner

We are elated to say that you have been accepted into Columbia University.  According to your exam results and GPA it is very high and we would love for someone like you to with great academic talents to come to are school. We hope to see you next fall!!

Sincerely, Columbia University

Oh my gosh I can't believe that I got accepted in oh my gosh this is freaking crazy. Now I just have to tell the boys. I went in the living to see all the boys just sitting laughing. Well till I came in.

"Well boys umm I hope you understand my decision but I have decided to go to college. "

All I see is Niall stroming out of the bus in the pouring rain.

Oh god what have I done.

Hey guys well umm just to clear up some things ella is going to college to be a pediatric nurse. Sorry i didn't say that in the stroy. Well anyway ohhh Naills upset..... . Wonder how that's gonna turn out. Oh wait I already know. I Decided to update early because i hit 100 votes ahhhhhhh and because I promised one of my number 1 fans that I would update early. hint hint.... @HanoonaAmir.

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