chapter 10

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"Yes ni I would love to go on a date with you",

Niall grinned and kissed my cheek as a response. Oh how I wish that was my lips that he kissed. We decided to go back to the bus. I hope the boys were done fighting. When we got back harry was siting on the couch glaring at the wall. The boys were glaring at harry. Well aleast they weren't fighting but I still didn't like the tension between the boys.

" ok liam, Naill, zayn, and lou you need to get over what harry did. I know he messed up but you can't stay mad forever okay. There will be times where you will mess worse than harry and you will be upset and hoping that someone forgives you. I am pretty sure that harry has apologized several times. Just get over it. And harry you need to grow up because one day I won't be here when you mess up and lecture the boys into forgiving you.  Okay im not going to say anything else." I said then left the room to go to My bunk. I fell alspeep thinking of my date with Naill.

I wake up smelling something buring. I run into the kitchen to see the stove on fire and  lou and Niall wrestling on the floor.  I decided to handle the fire first and put it on. I think I used up all the water we had to put that fire out. After the fire is put all the boys are awake and lou ni have stoped to stare at me.

" why the heck are you staring at me like I started the dang fire. ohh right that was you too, I said while glaring at lou and Niall.

"  Well umm you see I wanted to make you breakfast in bed but I didn't know exactly how to make it so I tried to get the boys up but only lou would wake up so lou agreed to make it but while he was making it I  thew flour on him and he stopped what he was doing and threw an egg at me and it went downhill from there"  ranted ni who looked kind of embarrassed.

Which I thought was really cute.

" ok you now what it's 7:00 in the morning so how bout this ni and lou you guys need to learn how to make attention to what your doing and stop playing around so much so as a consequence you are not aloud to step foot in the kitchen if your going to cook. if you want food look in the fridge for something thats already cooked. Do you understand?, " said liam going all dad mode on the boys.

" Hey guys I'm going out I will call you guys when I'm about to come back. okay?,"

The boys were in a huddle together whispering about something. But they all gave me a thumbs up. So I went back to my bunk and I changed into.
Ella's outfit.
Black leather jacket
Blue ripped jeans
white crop top that says " Honey Don't Get slapped"
Black tank top under crop top
Gray and red Jordan's

My hair was straight and it looked ok so I just left it how it was. I left the bus and started walking around. I saw a candy shop and started run to it till i bumped into someone.  I fall on the gound so i looked up to see I bumped into Bridget mendler. It took me everything not to fangirl.

"oh I'm sorry Ella I didn't mean to bump into you", Said Bridget

"oh no was my fault to I should have looked where I was going before running", I said back.

" it was both of our faults but anyway I am a huge fan of yours. You have an amazing voice", Bridget said.

"Thanks and I love you singing and acting", I said.

"hey where are you going im go to an ice cream shop then an candy shop want to come with me ?, Bridget asked

"oh i was headed to the candy shop but I dont mind going with you", I said secretly freaking out.

Bridget smiled and looped her arm with mine. We walked together to tiffany's ice cream shop. Bridget got cookies n' cream and I got cookie dough. We decided to sit down and talk. I told all about my life and she told me about my life. We left when we got done then we went to kam's candy shop. After we got done buying candy we decided go look around. Around 3:00 we decided to go back to the bus so I could introduce Bridget to the boys. I'm pretty sure Bridget and harry would make a good couple. Well anyway we walked back towards the bus to all the boys cleaning the bus. I cleared my throat and all the boys turned around. I caught harry staring at Bridget till he saw me staring at him then I saw a faint blush on his cheeks.

"Hey guys this is Bridget", I said.

The boys greeted Bridget then I took Bridget to my bunk and she helped me get ready. She did my make, hair and picked out my dress and shoes.

Ella's outfit
White lace dress long in the back short in the front.
Black 6inch heels
Ella's hair/ make up
Hair curled into small ringlets

  make up looks like it done on the book cover.

By the time Bridget was done it was 6:58 just in time. I walked to the front of the bus to see Naill standing by the door with a bouquet of flowers.

" Wow you look great are you ready to go", ni said.

I simply nodded my head not trusting my mouth to say anything because I do not want to embrace myself. I grabbed my hand and we began to walk to an unknow place. About five minutes later we were at a beach. We sat done right by the water. Soon an water came and whispered something in Nialls ear. Naill nodded at the waiter then turned to me and smile.

We were sitting down facing each other.  We started talking about my life before this happened. We were so  cought up in talking we didn't notice that the waiter had came back with our food. He tapped are shoulders and pointed to the food.  It was pasta with chicken in it. We stopped taking so we could eat our food.  We were done eating pretty soon but before I could get a word out the waiter comes back takes our plates and whispers in Nialls ear. Then soon enough fireworks starts going off and the fireworks.  By the time the fifth Niall had made me stand up.

" Ni wha-  " I started to say but was cut off by Nialls lips crashing to mine. It was so perfect I felt butterflys and they were the good kind. But then we were interrupted by yet a another firework we pulled away to see it. And I could believe what it said.

The firework read " Ella will you be my girlfriend',


I turned to Niall and kissed him.

" Does that answer your question"I asked.

Niall nodded happily then we sat down to watch the rest of the fireworks but I felt myself falling asleep alot.

Apparently Niall noticed and said " it's ok princess you can go to sleep". And on that note a proceeded to let sleep take over.

Yayyy ella and Niall are together.

Okay I'm having a contest Who ever can  give ma a great ship name for ella and Niall AND harry and Bridget gets a shout out. The contest starts today which is monday and it it friday.

Okay and on a futher note DISTRICT12MOCKINGJAY please stop commenting mean and hateful comments on my story. If you dont you will be reported.

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