chapter 8

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Ella pov

I was shaking with excitement. I couldn't wait to see the boys reactions. Niall told the boys to be in the living room when we get back. The way back to the tour was filled with laughter from Naills jokes. When we got there I was practically jumping out my seat. Niall and I had also formed a plan. Niall snuck me in through the back door and led me to his room where he gave me some of his guys clothes and shoes. Then he also gave me a hoodie to cover my face and hair. We left through the back and walked around to the front door. Niall leads the way and we walk in to the tour bus where we see all the boys on the couch.

"Hey guys I want you to meet one of my friends ummm.... uh .....ermm ....."

"Elliot umm my name is elliot", I say as my voice goes deeper on every word.

The boys look at my eerily but never the less gets up and to introduce them selfs.

" Alright lad I'm lou, hey I'm harry,zayns the name, Ello I'm liam good to meet you",The boys say as they introduce them self.

" uh huh Well I'm Elliot", I say trying not to laugh and keep deep voice the same.

"Well Elliot tell us about you",lou says.

"Well I'm 19, i like to surf, I'm from Florida I'm just visiting some friends and I also like to think that I'm a good acter", I say trying to keep a straight face.

"hmmm what makes you think your a good acter", Harry says.

"Well considering I'm really a girl and you haven't figured that out and  I've been here an hour so yeah I'd say I'm a good acter", I say letting my pitch go back to normal. I also take my hood off. As soon as that hood comes off the boys jump out of their seats to hug me.  After were done hugging and stuff we decided to go to a club. I don't really want to go but every wanted to go so yeah im stuck. And since I'm turning eight teen in a week and plus I'm with the boys. I put on a black dress that goes to my knees.

And with my white heels to and a pop of color. I leave my hair straight. I go to the living and all the boys are waiting. 

:Skip car ride:

We go to a club called Pink monkey. We go in and Niall wraps his arm around my waist. Harry goes straight to the bar. Liam and lou stand and watch zayn and harry. Niall and I decided that we were not going to drink. And what I heard from fans liam never drinks. Lou had a drink then got to thr dance floor. Zayn is sitting at the bar with water laughing at lou. And harry well he's talking or flirting with the dirty blonde haired girl. It's like 12:00 so we decided to go home. No one's drunk except harry. We tryed to get harry to come home with us but he kept insisting that the dirty blonde haired girl was going to drive him home. So we left to go home secretly hoping that he cames home safe.

We got home changed and went to bed. By the time I was almost sleep I hear harry and what I'm guessing is Natalie that dirty blonde girl. I hear them stumble to their bed. Then i start hearing sounds I guess there doung the dirty. Does harry not know that he is in a tour bus not in a room. And that we can hear what he's doing. I hear someone to someone some where. Probably to the game room trying dround out the sounds. I follow the person.  It's probably Naill since he's allways been an light sleeper.

It turns out I'm right it was Niall. We both sit on the couch.

"Cant sleep", Naill whispers.

"Yeah mainly cause of harry" I whisper back sounding kind of frustrated.

Niall lays on the couch and I lay cuddled up to him. Since the game room is at the back of the bus we have to get close to each other to stay warm. In this case I don't mind getting close to Niall. I am so mad at harry how could he be so immature. But all I know is I'm definitely not talking to him tomorrow. Since I'm tired of thinking about that i just let sleep take over.

hey guys sorry if you didn't like this chapter because of the way I portrayed harry. Well all the boys are going to have there mess ups in this story. If you want a story where 1D is a goody two shoes go some where else. And ella is sure to make mistakes in this story. I'm not going to make it where ella doesn't make a mistake and the boys make mistakes and seem  like the bad guys. Okay. So  The boys AND ELLA will have their share of mistakes.

bye. ♡♥

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