His Saving Grace - Part 4

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The sun streamed through the slits of Charlotte's curtains, causing her to stir in her bed. Sitting up, she stretched.

It was Saturday, with a smug grin, she settled back in bed. She had absolutely nowhere to be today and she was going to make full use of her lazy day by spending it all in bed. 

Sniffing the air, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee hit her senses. 

"Ally! Is that you making coffee?" Charlotte shouted out into the hallway.

"Yep, want some?" Ally yelled back energetically. 

"I sure would! Thank you!" she replied, her spirits high.

Ally strolled into her bedroom with Charlotte's favourite mug, a deep red which coincidentally matched her sheets, placing down the cup filled to the brim with steaming hot coffee on her bedside table, she bounced down onto her bed and shuffled towards Charlotte. 

"So, how'd you sleep, Char?" Asked Ally with a sly grin, "Did you dream of anyone special?"

"God, you're incorrigible Al, and I might have dreamt of someone last night but frankly I don't think you're privy to that information." Replied Charlotte, acting as if she were insulted. 

With a scoff, Ally lay down on the unoccupied side of Charlotte's bed, sliding under the covers. She cuddled her friend, mumbling something indiscernible.

"Sorry? What did you say?" Asked Charlotte, unable to understand what her friend had said.  

"Tell Nina, today." Ally muttered, her eyes slowly closing, sleepiness setting in.

"Later, let's just have a sleep in now, shall we?" Charlotte conceded, shuffling under the covers and came round to cuddle her friend back. 

She closed her eyes, and a blissful sleep came, images of a handsome man and a chocolate bar appearing in her dreams.


Waking up, Charlotte turned to the left side of her bed to check the time. It was 11:30 am. Time to start the day.

Charlotte shook Ally, trying to wake her up, which was a feat in itself. Ally grumbled, annoyed she had been woken up.

"Come on, its late morning. Wanna grab some brunch?" Charlotte asked, the question made Ally shoot up, her eyes lighting up with hunger.

"Fuck yes, let's do it! I'll tell Nina." She jumped out of bed and ran to her room.

"Nina, get the fuck up, we're going brunching!" Ally yelled out to her friend.

Nerves settled in Charlotte's stomach, thinking about how she was going to break the news to Nina.

Shaking the thoughts from her mind, she set her mind on what she was going to wear today.

She settled on a red and white floral off the shoulder top matched with ripped blue jeans. She paired her outfit with black ankle boots. Taking her hair out of the bun she'd slept in last night, she let her long hair tumble out,  her hair falling in dark brown tresses.

Grabbing a pair of black sunnies and placing them on her head, she walked out of her room and into the kitchen.

Sitting around the kitchen island were Ally and Nina, talking care freely.

"Right, are we ready?" Charlotte asked the girls.

"Hell yeah, come on Ally." Nina replied, grabbing her keys and black purse from the kitchen top.

They walked out of the apartment and into the sunny Melbourne weather. 


Sitting down at a local café in Port Melbourne, they ordered coffees. Ally decided she would have eggs on toast, which was typical because that was her go to meal every time she went out. Nina opted for the BLT whilst Charlotte ordered a chocolate peanut butter smoothie bowl. 

His Saving Grace - (Dustin Martin)Where stories live. Discover now