His Saving Grace - Part 5

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Looking up from her Macbook, she noticed that it was getting dark outside, the wind howled harshly and the gum trees swayed dangerously down below her window.

"Shit, I really got into that essay, didn't I?" She thought, rubbing her tired eyes.

Her stomach grumbled noisily, reminding her that she hadn't eaten since her brunch with Ally and Nina. Getting up from her chair, she stretched, her back cracking loudly because of the lack of movement in the past few hours.

Charlotte searched her room for her phone, utterly forgetting where she'd put it earlier. After looking for 5 minutes, she gave up and walked out of her room and into the kitchen where she was greeted by Ally.

She was balancing precariously on top of the kitchen counter, reaching for a platter in the highest cupboard. Charlotte winced, imagining what would happen if Ally tried to pull the dish out. 

Rushing to her aid, she tapped her lightly on the hip and spoke.

"Ally, do you need any help?"

"Oh! If you don't mind, then yes, please. I feel like I'm about to fall and take the plates down with me!" Ally replied gratefully.

Hopping down from the edge of the counter, Ally came up next to Charlotte, helping her up onto the bench.

Reaching up to grab the platter, she grasped it with both hands, turning slightly to her right, Charlotte bent down and placed it in Ally's waiting hands. 

Coming and sitting down on the counter, Charlotte asked her friend a question.

"So what is it you're going to make for dinner tonight that warrants the fine china?" 

"Oh! I thought I would prepare a nice warm beetroot and goats cheese salad, you know, so we eat healthier. You're persuading me to be healthier Char, I'll only admit it once!" Ally replied cheerfully, shooting a grin to her friend.

Charlotte beamed at Ally, a warm, happy feeling spreading all over her body. She thought about how grateful she was to have both Ally and Nina in her life. She had always had a hard time making new friends, people seemed to find her too uptight or too serious, something that caused her to lose confidence in herself. 

As a result of not having a lot of friends throughout her days of schooling, it made her cherish the ones she did have as well as leading her to spend her days studying instead of playing. 

A small frown made its way onto her face as she recalled her childhood. 

Checking the oven, she saw beetroot and carrots sizzling deliciously, the goats cheese was sitting above the oven, whilst the dressing was being made by Ally at that very moment. 

"When did you become such a chef, huh Ally?" Charlotte joked, quite surprised that she was going to all this effort. Normally, it would be she who would prepare dinner. 

It was a welcome surprise nevertheless, and Charlotte took this opportunity to sit down and relax, picking up her favourite book to pass the time until dinner was ready.


Jane Austen's 'Pride and Prejudice' gripped Charlotte from the very moment she picked up the novel when she was ten. Quickly becoming an avid reader at a young age, her thirst for literature seemed unquenchable. Yet it was this particular book, a book that encapsulated the hardships and restrictions women faced in the 18th century that resonated with Charlotte. She likened herself to Elizabeth Bennett, a strong spoken and confident woman who could, indeed, manage without a man ordering her about. 

His Saving Grace - (Dustin Martin)Where stories live. Discover now