His Saving Grace - Part 1

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                                                      His Saving Grace

Hey guys, this is a story about an ordinary young girl meeting Dustin Martin, Richmond FC's best player and the tale of their love story.

I hope you enjoy!

- Olivia x


"Alright, so if everyone can write a 5000 word essay on the case study I handed out earlier today to be handed in by next week ahead of end of semester terms that would be great. Remember, try to remain objective and it doesn't hurt to make it interesting! The essays get boring after the thirtieth one." Professor Hardridge announced.

The lecture theatre full of uni students laughed loudly at his quip and filed out of the lecture quickly, eager to get to the bars in time for happy hour.

Sighing deeply, Charlotte shut her heavy textbooks and shoved them into her large satchel. Reaching to unplug her Mac charger, she wound the cord around its body, placing it in her bag roughly. Slinging her satchel over her shoulder she made her way to the exit, tucking her raven hair behind her ears hurriedly.

She was the last one out of the theatre, on her way out she noticed her lecturer was still there as well. Stopping in front of his desk, she inspected him quietly.

He was young for his position, barely 40 and appeared youthful despite his stressful job. His eyes were a deep cerulean blue, with dark wavy hair, peppered with the beginning of grey hairs. Standing at 6' feet he measured at the same height as Charlotte. The sleeves of his arms were rolled up to bare his forearms, thick with wiry muscle, his shirt straining against his chest. She wondered what he'd look like without the constrictive white, crisp shirt on his body.

"What can I help you with Charlotte?" Professor Hardridge asked, a slight smile upon his lips, a sign he had noticed her flagrant staring.

Jerking back slightly out of her daze, her cheeks blazed a fiery red, burning her skin with heated embarrassment.

"Oh, I was just going to ask you for more clarification on the essay you assigned us in today's class" she replied quickly, wishing he'd forget her inappropriate display of ogling.

"I'm sure you'll have no problem writing a stellar essay Charlotte, you're not top of the class for nothing after all. The case, I grant you, is more difficult to analyse than usual, but between you and me, you should focus on the defendant's background and his repeated offences. That's where you'll find the motive for the murder. But don't tell anyone I told you that." He laughably replied, bringing a finger to his lips in a 'shushing' motion.

The skin on the sides of his eyes crinkled as he smiled, grabbing his briefcase, he motioned for her to walk out with him.


As they parted ways, Charlotte walked in the direction of her car.

The bright sun was shining down on the busy pavement full of university students, the birds chirping in the leafy green trees. With a large smile and a backward glance at her law professor, she adjusted her bag on her shoulder and reached for her car keys. Her green Mazda 3 looked worse for wear but Charlotte couldn't afford to get it serviced, what with her lack of funds as a result of endless studying for uni. Her money went into paying her rent on her shared apartment, food for her and the girls and petrol for her car.

Opening the drivers' car door, she haphazardly threw her bag in the back seat, slumping into her seat, she closed her eyes, taking in a deep, tired breath. Flipping down the sun visor, she opened the mirror and took in her appearance.

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