sweetness ❤💜💜💖🍭🍨🍦🍬🍫

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And there they stood... Admist all the students gaping at them... Mummering and gossiping about the scene that just took place....

The most hottest, coolest and handsome guy of the college lying below a girl... ooopppsss... A NERD 👓👓👓 not so charming and possibly the most tiniest human being present on this planet hovering flat above him....

Everyone kept staring at them with wide eyes and dropped jaws.. While some girls gave deadly and murderous glares to the poor soul 😤👁😡😠and the boys first time felt happy and contained to see a girl in his arms.. the gilr who was no where around HOT AND SEXY...

And for them???? It was the worst nightmare???? Naaah..... it was a BREATH TAKING MOMENT for them...

Guess why???

No not because it was love at first sight... neither because they were deeply involved in each other...

But the reason for them to stop breathing was the scene that followed....

Just a fastly they dumped and fell over each other... they were quick enough to get up from each other within few seconds...

As soon as she stood up and looked around her.. tears breamed in her eyes..😢😢

The hottie who was about to shout on her saw her scanning the entire area around them and sobbing out of no where...

He got confused seeing her crying and as much as he hated talking to a commoner like her but his chiverly and his mothers "parvarish" (upbringing) didnt let him shout on her..

He : whats wrong miss ??why are crying?? Are you hurt somewhere ??

As much as he wanted to shout on her and scare the shit out of her... her tears didn't let him do so.... and asked trying to be polite and calm...

The girl looked at him still sobbing😢😢 and for the first time appearing cute as heaven without her big big specs..👓👓

She nodded her head in a NO and continued sobbing ,now holding her dupatta to her mouth..

The boy sighed and agained aksed her...

He : then why are you crying?

And with that he forwarded his hanky to her..

The students around them gasped in shock seeing him caring for her and this caused him to give them a murderous look and within seconds all of them disappeared from there...

The took the hanky and controlled her tears and cleaned her eyes a tad bit with the hanky.. and spoke in a crying tone yet again..

She : woooh... actually... my.. my assignments and write ups..

And again tears brimmed in her eyes..

Manik looked puzzled at her and asked her to continue...

She hiccuped and continued...

She : when i bumped into you i was carrying them all in my hand and they all slipped out of my hand and now ...

She sobbed again looking around the papers covered in mud.. The boy also took a look around and realised its all gone....

Her sob affected him for some reasons and thats why he tried consoling her..

He : hey its ok... we can do something.. I'll manage this one.. I'll help u wrting them again..

The girl looked at him and cried a few more tears...😭😭

She : ek ghante me mera submission tha....

And with that line her sobbing took its pace...

The boy breathed heavily and nodded his head smiling lightly..

He : ok ok.. first of all stop crying miss...??

She : ms. Nandini.. Nandini murthi...😁😁

He : Yes.. so Ms Murthi aap pehle rona band kijiye and have some water...

Saying this he took her water bottle lying near his foot and gave it to her..💦🍼🍶🍼

She stopped her hiccups and drank a fare amout of water...

She smiled greatful at him 😊😊and looked sadly at her now wasted hard work...

N : but ab me kya karu?? Sir to muze fail hi kar denge...😔😔

The boy chuckled on her comment and spoke...

He: he wont ms murthi.... tell me which year??

N : first year..

She said ever so shyly that the hottie almost admired her... ALMOST

He : ohhh fresher ahhhaaa... thats good to know ms..

Nandini just almost blushed.. making the boy to again chuckle and said..

He : then my dear ms murthi u don't have to get worked up at all.. I'll manage this mess and u just go and tell Mr. Dube whatever happened here ok??

N : buutt...??

He : shhh... no but and ifs.. see i am ur senior do as i say ok?? Just go and tell him everything and rest I'll look after and dont worry... everything will be fine..😊😊

N : ok... thank u..😊

She smiled sweetly and he returned the same...

She quickly bent down and collected her things and stood up to leave...

But something tricked her and she stood there.. trying to ask something...

She fighted withher doopatta corner... the boy smirked and forwarded his hand saying...

He : Manik... Manik Malhotra sweety...

Nandini again blushed and shaked hands with him.. and thanking him almost with a whisper ran towards her department...

As soon as she reached the stairs she looked back at him and to her suprise saw him still there looking at her only...

He winked at her making her go pink...😉😉😄 She hide her face and ran inside... making manik chuckle on her sweetness...😄😄😆

He smiled to herself and left for Mr. Dube's cabin to actually take care of the things...


Hello guys....

How are you all doing??

Hi to my new readers and welcome to new family members... this is chaitrali ...

Not definitely a known watty writer.. so dont worry..

I am here with a story.. which is dear to my heart ..

I hope u people will appreciate this one..

I am not sure though if its a TS os SS.. but I'll soon decide that based on your response..

And to my old readers... guys dont worry i will complete


But just give me some time as i am facing a big big writers block.. and to remove that only i decided to writr something else and get my stopped brain to working...

So please please please give me and this story another chance... snd i pakka promise u this time not to disappointment you...

Thank u... love from me..

Do give it a try..


A Sweet Tale Of Love💕❤💖💜Where stories live. Discover now