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"Live changes... Sometimes for good... sometimes for bad..

But life certainly do change... And with the change regardless of good or bad comes variations in your life... The changes brings responsibilities in your life... It brings challenges in your life..

And it doesn't matter if you want them or not...it won't matyer if you like it or not. It doesn't matter if you are strong enough to handle them or not..

You have to face them... you have to overcome them..

But the only good thing in life is whatever may be the situation your family... or your frnz.. or your loved ones will always be with you.. no matter what..

And I am that one lucky guy who got all of them....to be with me.. to protect me... to help me push through any situation.. May what come they'll always stood by you... In every battle.. in any critical conditions... No matter what..👪👪❤💞"

As I was about to complete what I was saying I heard some slow claps... 👏👏

I turned to my left to see the most annoying person of my life slow clapping with a 'oh-so-fake' "wow" expressions..😰

Oh yeah.. U gussed it right...


I said through gritted teeths😠😠😬

Why can't this man let me live in peace😠😠

Wowww... what a speech malhotra boy... What a speech..

His sarcasm did nothing but irritated me more..

Why are you even running a damn company man... Go write.. may be u'll do better.. or even you can replace the "Kabir Khan of chakde" in giving motivational speeches dude....

Cabirrrr I swear if you don't shut up right now you'll do the honours of making navya a widow..

And that shameless creature just smirked at me.. God I swear I'll kill him with my bare hands..

What??? Dont give me that look idiot... Just tell us what do you want from us and stop beating adound the bush... Out with what is troubling you??

I sighed..😥😥 He knows me too well to kill him.. and besides I can't afford to loose the only entertainment of my life..😂😂

You are so bad Manik...

I heard my inner self glaring at me and I mentally chuckled to myself.. My second most fvrt entertainer in the world...

Hwwww... Manik Malhotra.. Did you just call me an entertainer?? Me.. the alive you!! THE MOST SEXIEST INNER SELF AN ENTERNAINER...

I almost.. almost laughed out loud on this comment..😂 suddenly that idiot clicked his fingers infront of me and snapped out of my own world and smiled at him..

While he glared at me and barked... asking me to bark😂😂

Has kya raha hai be kutte?? Bhaunk ab kya hua hai???

I smiled nervously at him😅😅 And turned to see my whole family glaring at me..

Well what can I say??? May be from last 40 minutes I have kept them waiting😅😅

I took a deep breath and said as fastly as I can.


A Sweet Tale Of Love💕❤💖💜Where stories live. Discover now